She waved me into the house. "You two have a falling out?"

"I don't think so." I set down my bag and tugged off my shoes. "Why? Did he call?"

"No, but I can't see him splitting up. There's no reason to take separate flights--you two aren't on a job. If he wanted to check something, why not take you with him?"

"So it seems odd to you, too, huh?" I moved into the living room and sat down. "I thought he'd at least try to persuade me to go with him but...well, he's been acting weird."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Weird? Jack? I can use a lot of words to describe that man's behavior sometimes, but weird isn't one of them."

"I know. Normally he's so focused. But he seemed distant last night, almost...rattled. Ever since he talked to Maurice Gallagher."

Evelyn went rigid, then settled back into her chair, taking awhile to get comfortable, trying to hide her initial reaction. When she spoke, her voice was calm. "I warned him, didn't I? About crossing the old spider. I suppose Gallagher threatened him..." She let the words fade, frowning, as if thinking. Putting two and two together?

"Were you there?" she asked.

"When Jack talked to Gallagher? No, he didn't take me in."

"Not to the meeting maybe, but into the casino? Could Gallagher have seen you with Jack?"

I wasn't sure where she was leading, but not in the direction I wanted. "I don't think so. Whatever upset Jack, it had to do with the name Gallagher gave him."

"The hitman Gallagher hired and Kozlov saw?"

I nodded. "Jack wouldn't tell me who it was, but...I don't know. Maybe it was a friend of his."

"Jack doesn't have friends. He might know him, but wouldn't care enough to get 'rattled.'"

"Well, something sure upset him." I stood. "I should unpack my things."

I headed upstairs. After laying down my bag, I retrieved my gun from its hiding spot, where I'd left it before we'd gone to Vegas. Then I slipped from the room, closed the door loud enough for Evelyn to hear and crept to the top of the stairs to listen.

If Evelyn was involved, the reason for Jack's "odd behavior" in relation to the name would be obvious. According to him, she'd take advantage of my temporary absence to do one of three things. The first two, he said, were most likely: make a phone call or send an e-mail. The third...

Soft taps sounded across the wooden hall floor, then stopped. A double clump, as she removed her pumps and laid them down.

The click of the hall closet door. The rasping whoosh of a box being pulled off the shelf. A moment of silence. Then an unmistakable sound.

"Hall closet." I could hear Jack's voice as we'd discussed this on the flight. "Top shelf. Box with some scarves. Keeps a gun there."

One of several guns secreted around the house, he'd explained, listing all the locations.

"You're upstairs? Hall's most likely. Hear her get it? Leave."

A shadow crossed the bottom landing.

"Evelyn?" I called.

The shadow retreated.

"Yes?" she replied.

"I'm going to take a shower. Wash away some of this jet lag."

"All right."

I walked backward into the bathroom, locked the door, thumped around a bit and turned on the shower. Then I retreated to my hiding place, making sure no shadow or mirror reflection gave me away.

This wasn't what Jack wanted, but I didn't think he was the best person to make that decision. Even when he'd been convinced Evelyn hadn't been involved, he'd tried to figure out way to confront her himself, take me out of the equation. When it became obvious there was no way to do that, he'd instructed me to go into the bathroom, run the shower...and escape out the window, which overlooked the porch roof. Whatever happened, I was not to confront Evelyn myself.