"Your blood is power, child. Think of what you do for the empire. You will save it, child. Your life will save it."

He put his hand out, as if he honestly expected her to dutifully hand over the dagger and offer her throat.

"I think the empire can save itself," she said.

Edwyn lunged, and she stabbed him. Again, she could say the goddess guided her hand, but no. Ashyn stabbed him. Of her own volition. She felt the blade sink in, and he let out a gasp of shock and pain and then--

A cry. But not from Edwyn. Then a shout and a clatter of swords, and Ashyn looked over to see Dalain grabbing a sword from a warrior who lay on the cave floor with a dagger between his shoulder blades. Her dagger. She'd hidden it in the pile of treasure behind Dalain, as he'd looked back to watch her. She'd prayed to the goddess that he'd seen what she did and would be able to free himself without anyone noticing. That if she failed, he'd be able to get free before he became the dragon's first waking meal.

Dalain had the fallen warrior's blade and was striking a second warrior, who'd not yet recovered enough to counter the blow. The blade went in. The warrior went down. A third one attacked, and as their swords clashed, Ashyn saw Edwyn dive for her again. She darted away from the dragons, getting to open ground. That's when she saw the tall, cowled man pulling a blade from under his cloak as he moved behind Dalain, who was immersed in his fight.

"Behind you!" Ashyn shouted.

Dalain turned, and as he saw the other threat, his original target took advantage, swinging hard. Dalain barely avoided the blow, dodging so fast he stumbled. Both men started for him and--

"Stop!" The voice rang through the cavern. A familiar voice. Wonderfully familiar.

"The next man who moves catches my dagger in his heart," Moria's voice called from the shadows.

"Or my stone in his head," Sabre said.

One of the warriors moved. Daigo's black shape leaped from the darkness and took the man down as Tyrus lunged.

They came out into the light then, having come through the cave passage while Dalain had been fighting. A fourth figure was still entering, and when Ashyn strained, she could hear the distant sounds of battle coming from outside.

"Step away from him," Tyrus said to the cowled man, who still stood behind Dalain. Then, to Edwyn: "And you step farther away from her. Ashyn, are you hurt?"


"Neither am I," Dalain said.

"No one asked you," Sabre said.

The fourth figure hurried through the doorway and jogged for Ashyn, and when she saw who it was, she swore her heart stopped.


"Get away from her," Ronan said to Edwyn.

"I am far enough--"

"No, you are not, and if you give me any excuse, I swear I will kill you, old man."

As Ronan approached Edwyn, Moria hurried over to Ashyn. Ashyn went to embrace her twin, but Moria gripped her arms, holding them up instead so she could inspect her for hidden knife wounds.

"I'm fine, Rya," Ashyn said. "Truly I am."

"You were about to get your throat slit to wake dragons. That is not fine."

Ashyn smiled. "Only if they'd succeeded." She pulled her sister into a hug and felt Moria melt against her, trembling slightly, the only sign of how terrified she must have been.

Ashyn kissed her cheek and whispered, "I wouldn't abandon my little sister."

"A heart-warming sentiment," said the man in the cowl. "And I agree. You ought to leave this world as you came into it: together."

Moria paled as she turned to the man.

"No," she whispered.