"You're leaving? Without a word?"

"I left a note."

"All right then. Let's return to the first part. You're leaving?"

"I . . . thought it might be best. Tyrus is here and you do not need a guard."

"I don't ever need a guard, Kitsune."

"I misspoke. You now have a companion for your journey, someone to fight at your side. And so does he. You are both in good hands. The best possible hands."

"Forgive me, but I was under the impression that we were pursuing a shared goal."

"I thought it might be wise for us to part. Each time we are seen together, it only lends credence to the rumors."

"I do not care about the rumors."

"It is not only about you, Keeper. If Tyrus and I were found together, it would damage his claims to innocence. It would appear he was not merely duped by us but complicit in our betrayal of the empire."

"We have no say in that decision? Despite the fact that it is about us?"

"How does that help, Keeper?" His quiet voice gave way to his usual impatient snap. "If I ask your opinion, you will be bound to tell me I'm welcome to stay."

"I am not bou

nd by any such thing."

"Tyrus then. He will feel honor bound by our past friendship to stand by me."

"Then let me answer for him, having spoken to him before he fell asleep in my tent. If he woke up to find you gone, he would feel as if you have turned your back on him, as if you are saying in the clearest possible way that you are no longer friends, that such a thing is no longer possible, and that you do not even wish to be his ally or his companion."

"That is not--"

"I would feel the same. There's no reason for you to leave, and doing so only complicates matters. He would need to decide whether we should leave you be, as you seem to wish, or go after you to watch your back, only to risk being rebuffed again. If you wish to make amends with Tyrus, you do not do it by slinking off in the night."

"I was not slinking."

"You were and it doesn't suit you."

He seemed inclined to argue, but after a moment, said only, "In my defense, I was still considering, and probably would not have gotten far before I returned."

"Good, but the fact that you considered it at all tells me you're unsettled by more than Tyrus's arrival. Obviously, what happened the other day--"

"I'm fine."

"If you wished to talk about it . . ."

"I'm fine."

"All right then. I'll leave you alone."

She started back for camp. After she'd gone about five steps, he called, "Keeper?"

When she turned, he strode over. "Perhaps I would like to speak of it. Briefly. If you aren't tired."

"I'm not. Let's walk."