She eyed the door. "Perhaps we ought to look for a secondary entrance, to avoid ambush."

He nodded, and they both stepped back.

"What are you doing?" Toman called, his voice echoing across the plain.

"So much for the element of surprise," Moria muttered.

"I believe we lost that when they decided to stand in the yard and wait for us."

"True." She turned to Toman and motioned that they were looking for another way in.

"Why?" he called. "That door is as good as any."

Moria muttered, "He truly wants us going in this way."


"When Tyrus and I walked through a door into a potential trap, I kept to the rear to cover him."

"When did you and Tyrus do such a thing?"

"In Fairview."

"You returned to--? Yes, of course you would." He glanced at her. "So you saw . . ."

"Yes, I saw what the shadow stalkers had done."

He swallowed. "You ought not to--"

"--have returned to try to free the town and save Edgewood's children?"

"Ought not to have needed to witness that. I had no idea my father intended--"

"Kitsune? I know. We will speak later. For now . . ."

"Yes. Your plan is sound. I will go first."

Moria stood at his back, dagger raised. Gavril pushed the door. It did not budge. He eyed it and seemed ready to bash his shoulder into it when she whispered, "You cannot fight with a dislocated sword arm, Kitsune. Kick it."

He hesitated.

"If you fall on your arse, I'll not laugh." She paused. "Or not loudly."

He gave her a look and then positioned himself and kicked. The door flew open. Gavril lunged through with his sword at the ready and Moria at his shoulder, and they swept into a darkened room. When nothing inside moved, Moria pushed the door open farther, allowing the rays of the falling sun to light the interior.

"Kiri?" Gavril called, and when Moria frowned in confusion, he said, "My mother."

To call one's mother by her given name was not something she'd ever heard. A mother who would not own the title and a father who did not deserve it. What kind of childhood could one have under such circumstances?

"Kiri?" he called again. "It's Gavril."

Silence answered, a quiet stillness that crept into her bones. She shook it off and walked about the small room. It was sumptuously decorated, as comfortable as any court lodgings. There was a lantern beside a pile of pillows. When she turned the light on, she saw a book tucked into pillows. A romantic novel, the simple sort, well illustrated for those without enough education to read a lengthy tome. She looked down at the pillows and imagined the woman who'd been here. Held a virtual prisoner in luxury, left alone with pretty stories of other lives, better lives, happier lives.

She set the book down. "Kiri?" she called, in case a feminine voice might help. "I am Moria, Keeper of Edgewood. I'm here with Gavril to help you."

Not even a distant rustle answered. She motioned to Gavril that they ought to check the other rooms. He approached the first door. He opened it and went through while she guarded and then followed.

This room looked like servant or guard quarters. Empty. They backed out and tried the next. The kitchen. There was only one room left and it had to be Kiri's bedroom. But when Moria stepped in, all she could think was There's a child living here, too?