"Because if it is a family crest, it is not from a family of the empire. These are mercenaries. They must work for a foreign king."

"If we could identify it, then . . ."

Another sigh. "Then what? What difference does it make?"

"It would be knowledge. Insight. Before we hand it over."

Ashyn shook her head and pocketed the envelope. "You're bored, Moria. Go for a walk. Visit Gavril. He'd be happy to see you."

"No, I'm quite certain he's enjoying the respite."

"Oh, I'm not so sure." Ashyn smiled. "I think he'd welcome a visit, particularly if your sister is not tagging along."

"Do not play matchmaker, Ash. Or, if you must, find a more suitable target for me. Gavril is a valuable ally. I respect him."

"Meaning you do not find him attractive? Because I'm sure I caught you watching at the stream when he took off his tunic to bathe."

Moria shrugged. "He was doing so within view; it was no invasion of privacy, and it was a sight worth watching. So is a pretty sunset. It does not mean I wish it for my own. I respect Gavril. I admire him. Therefore, he is not a potential lover."

"Because you respect and admire him? That may be the most ridiculous thing you've ever said."

"Not wishing to dally and amuse myself with someone I hold in regard?" Moria sat cross-legged on the end of the sleeping mat. "I think that is perfectly reasonable. I like Gavril. I enjoy his companionship. He infuriates me, but he challenges me, and I appreciate that. I can talk to him honestly. That's rare."

"And all qualities you ought to seek in a lover."

"Why? I don't want a lover so I can talk to him. That would defeat the purpose. I can think of much better uses for a lover's energy. And his mouth."

Ashyn's cheeks colored. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

"You keep your notions of romance, Ash, and I'll keep mine. Just understand that they do not include Gavril Kitsune." She crossed the room and peered out the window into the courtyard. "Is the sun not even down yet?"

"Go to the library and get a book."

"I don't want--" She stopped. "Give me that missive again."

"You're not--"

"I want to draw the seal. Perhaps I can find references in the library."

"An excellent idea." Ashyn sat up. "One that ought to keep you busy and allow me to finish my book. I'll copy it for you."


The buildings of the imperial court were quiet, the walkways linking them empty. The library was almost clear across the grounds. The most direct path to it cut dangerously close to the Chamber of the Divine, meaning Moria instead had to head through the smaller garden and the warren of buildings that followed. She took a wrong turn, and as she retraced her steps to the garden, she saw Gavril sitting on a bench, staring into the koi pond. Lost in thought. She wouldn't disturb him.

She started retreating, but he seemed to sense her. He rose and gestured, too subtly for her to figure out what he wanted. Then he began walking away. She hesitated. He looked over his shoulder, jerked his chin, and mouthed, "Follow me."

She did, keeping her distance. They wound through the manicured garden, eventually coming to a shed. Gavril glanced around and then went inside. She followed, entering as he lit a lantern. He motioned for her to close the door and keep her voice low.

"Is this a secret meeting?" she whispered.

"You should not be seen conferring with me," he said. "I warned you about that. You cannot risk appearing to have aligned yourself with me. I must seem merely your escort from Edgewood."

"And as I told you, I'm not concerned--"

"You must be," he said, his voice harsh. "I mean it, Moria."

His use of her name told her he was serious.