“Did we wake you?” a deep voice said beside her.

Shade? She lifted up onto one arm and looked down at his sardonic grin. She couldn’t see his eyes, because apparently he wore sunglasses even when he f**ked. The Christmas lights were gone, but his arms were still bound before him with a red rope in a crisscrossing pattern from wrists to elbow. Lindsey immediately recognized Kellen’s handiwork and began to tremble at the memories of what glorious things he and Owen had done to her body earlier.

“Sorry, girl,” Vanessa said. “I had to get a piece of this. Damn, this man is fine.”

“I understand,” Lindsey said wearily and dropped back down on the mattress. Her body was so exhausted, so relaxed, so completely satisfied that she didn’t want to move and lose the feeling of tranquility that suffused every inch of her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t seem to stop watching Vanessa’s pu**y working Shade’s cock, so the flesh between Lindsey’s thighs started to swell and pulsate with renewed need.

“Your friend has a fantastic pu**y,” Shade said conversationally.

“Is that so?” Lindsey said.

“Soft and lush. Like her sexy lips.”

“You ever been with a black girl before?” Vanessa asked him.

“A few,” he said. “I’ve found that fantastic pu**y comes in all colors. Speaking of coming, can I come now?”

“Not yet. I’m not finished.” For which Lindsey was oddly thankful. She was completely mesmerized by what was going on beside her.

“You know what would be really hot,” Shade whispered into Lindsey’s ear.

“Hmm?” she murmured lethargically.

“If you moved up behind Vanessa, wrapped your arms around her and held her tits while she rides me.”

Lindsey’s eyes travelled up Vanessa’s naked body to her br**sts. Lindsey had seen Vanessa nude numerous times in the past, but she’d never thought of her friend’s body as erotic. Or arousing. She also never thought she’d be so easily swayed by a man to obey his suggestion.

Vanessa glanced over her shoulder as Lindsey moved to kneel behind her. “Do you want a turn?” Vanessa asked.

Lindsey shook her head and kissed the warm, smooth skin of Vanessa’s shoulder. Vanessa’s back brushed Lindsey’s suddenly hard ni**les as she continued to rise and fall over Shade. With trembling hands, Lindsey cupped Vanessa’s br**sts. They were smaller than her own, their pointed tips pressed into her palms as Vanessa’s back arched and her head dropped back on Lindsey’s shoulder.

“Is this okay?” she whispered to Vanessa.

“It’s okay,” Vanessa said.

Lindsey massaged Vanessa’s perky br**sts, fascinated by the way the soft globes of flesh moved in her hands, how easy it was to make Vanessa moan by stroking her large ni**les, how erotic the contrast of their flesh tones looked as she gave pleasure to her friend. Lindsey shifted so that Vanessa’s soft ass rubbed against her shaven mound each time she rose and fell over Shade. This was definitely getting her hot and bothered again. Lindsey churned her hips to rub her mound more firmly over Vanessa and her hands began to wander—down Vanessa’s slightly rounded tummy, over her hips, her thighs. What am I doing? Was she really going to touch her best friend there?

Vanessa began to move faster over Shade. Faster. Seeking her climax. Lindsey wanted to help her find it.

Lindsey’s fingers slipped between Vanessa’s swollen folds. She found Vanessa’s clit with two fingertips and rubbed it fast and hard, the way she rubbed herself when she masturbated. Within seconds, Vanessa’s body went taut before her, and Vanessa shuddered hard as she screamed through her orgasm.

“This is not okay,” Lindsey said and yanked her hand away.

Vanessa grabbed her wrist and buried her hand between her thighs. “Yes, Lindsey. It’s okay. It’s perfect. Feel him inside me.”

Lightheaded with shock, but for some reason unable to pull away, Lindsey held Vanessa’s mound cupped in her palm while Shade’s c**k brushed rhythmically against her fingertips.

“That was beautiful,” Shade said. “Can I come now?”

Vanessa chuckled. “No, stud. Lindsey needs a turn.” She lifted her hips until Shade’s c**k slipped from her body and then took Lindsey’s hand and placed it over the very slippery condom covering his shaft. “Have fun, girl. I need a nap.”

Lindsey looked up at Shade, wishing she could see his eyes, wondering what he thought of her behavior. Was he as shocked by what she’d just done as she was?

“If you untie me,” he said, “I’ll make this easy on you.”

“What do you mean?” Lindsey asked.

“You know you want to f**k, but you think you shouldn’t.”

“And how will untying you change those feelings?”

“You can blame your surrender on me, instead of taking what you want.”

“I took what I wanted,” Vanessa said.

“But she won’t,” Shade said. “Even though she does want it.”

She did want it, but he was right. She’d already had sex with two strangers tonight. She sure wasn’t going to go at it with another one. Unless he… forced her to.

“Are you going to force me?” she asked, her heart thudding with excitement.

“Do you want me to force you?”

“It’s not really force if she wants you to force her.” Vanessa rolled her eyes at him.

“I wouldn’t really force her if she didn’t want me to. That would be called rape, but it’s different if she wants to be held down and f**ked while she struggles.”

“I do,” Lindsey blurted.

Her hands moved to the first knot binding his arms together—his strong, very muscular arms. She had a hard time untying the rope as she thought about those strong muscular arms holding her down while he f**ked her. Her fingers weren’t trembling because she was afraid. They were trembling because she was excited.

“Should I leave?” Vanessa said.

“No, you’re going to watch and not interfere. But I would appreciate it if you got me a fresh condom out of the drawer over there.” Lindsey was floored by the gentle smile he offered Vanessa. Surely this big hunk of sardonic muscle didn’t have a gentle bone in his body. She was actually hoping that he didn’t. She especially hoped that the bone he was about to thrust into her throbbing cunt wasn’t the least bit gentle.