"Not so successful for her, I'm guessing?" I said.

"In any way," Ricky said with a chuckle.

Gabriel shook his head. "I'm quite certain she wasn't expecting that. She simply hoped that I'd be eager enough for that to check my caution at the door. She gave me what I did want, though. More on that later. Tell me about the Hunt."

I did. As I spoke, his expression didn't change. Gabriel's expression rarely changes. It's all in those ice-blue eyes, which cooled with every sentence I spoke.

"That is unacceptable," Gabriel said when I finished.

"Exactly what I told her," Ricky said. "I'm going to have a talk with Ioan. He did this because he knows Liv won't accept anything on faith. She needs to see it, experience it."

"Hey, I can believe what someone tells me," I said.

They both turned to look at me.

"What? I can."

"Give an example," Ricky said.

"Last week, you had to cancel dinner because your dad needed you. Did I question that?"

"Not the same thing...at all. My point is that Ioan was trying to accommodate you. I get that. But the very fact that you question everything means you were never going to take him at his word when he said that guy deserved his fate."

"I trust Ioan. He's earned it."

"I don't mean you think he's lying--I mean you aren't completely convinced that the Cwn Annwn method of determining justice is foolproof. He should have insisted that you check out the case beforehand."

"Agreed," Gabriel said. "Now, not only has he upset you, but you're going to need to do more than just 'check out' the case. You'll want to conduct a full investigation. On your own time, with no expectation of compensation. That is unfair."

"Lack of compensation isn't exactly my main concern."

His grumble said it should be. Then he asked, "What do you know about the case?"

"A guy named Keith Johnson broke into a house and killed the homeowner. That's all I have. Oh, and a license number for Johnson."

When Ricky looked over in surprise, I said, "I made a note of it."

"Proving that you planned to investigate,"

Gabriel said. "I will refrain from pointing out that I suggested you do this beforehand."

"Refrain," I murmured. "I do not think that word means what you think it does."

"As much as I dislike the way Ioan has handled this, I suppose it is better than having you investigate after Johnson is dead, which you were clearly planning to do."

"Look it up. Not investigate."

"You memorized his license plate, Olivia."

"Oh, I also have the victim's name. Not to change the subject."

"Totally changing the subject," Ricky said.

"Victim was Alan Nansen." I took a notepad from my purse and jotted it down.

"Home invasion, you said?" Gabriel frowned.
