A woman's voice. Shiraz cleared his throat, tasting the blood and sputum, and then swallowed hard. "Who are you?"

"I'm the person who got the drop on you. And I'm the person who killed your men. Rather easily, I might add."

"How did you know we would be here?"

Laughter echoed across the room. "Do you think you are really so much a genius that a preschooler couldn't figure out what your plans would be? After Syria, it was rather obvious you'd be coming for Lawson. And for the relic."

"What do you know of the relic?"

"I know plenty. And I know that you are not going to get your hands on it. Ever."

"Big words from someone who doesn't even have the courage to l

ook me in the eye when she talks to me."

There was a pause and then without warning, the blindfold was ripped off. Shiraz blinked in the bright light that greeted him and made his head throb all the more.

A woman.

And he knew then who she was without even needing to think about it.


She smiled, revealing her gleaming white teeth. She was dressed from head to toe in some sort of black coverall that was taut enough to show off her curves. Shiraz estimated that she would have been somewhere around fifty to fifty-five in human years. But she looked very good for her age.

Very good, indeed.

"Why did you kill my men?"

"Because they were in the way," said Ava. "And frankly, I can't have a bunch of rogue vampires bumbling around and threatening to upset my grand plans. Can't have that at all. No chance."

"Grand plans?"

Ava bent forward and looked Shiraz in the eyes. "My plans." She leaned back and laughed lightly. "That's the problem with men. One of the problems. You always think so small. You're all shortsighted. I can imagine that you only thought it through to the point where you got your hands on the relic. It would only be later that you would think about what to do with it. And by then, you would have drawn so much heat from the Council that it would be suicide to show your face anywhere."

Shiraz frowned. "And I suppose you've thought things through?"

"Well, far more than you did," said Ava. "That's one of the benefits to being underestimated. People leave you alone. They don't ever think that you're capable of doing things, planning things. They think they can manipulate you, without ever seeing that you're the one who's been controlling their actions from the get-go. You allow them to think they've won, when in fact all they're doing is simply playing into your hands. Most people are tragically susceptible to manipulation. It's an art form, and one that I happen to be a master of. Much to the consternation of those I've destroyed over the course of my years in the service of my people."

Shiraz swallowed again. "So why keep me alive? You could easily kill me and be done with it."

Ava sighed and then pulled up another chair, settling herself on it before considering Shiraz for several moments. Then she folded her arms across her lap and pursed her lips. "Yes, well, that is the million-dollar question, isn't it? Why did I choose to keep you alive? Why on earth would I risk exposing myself like this?"

"Indeed," said Shiraz. "From a security standpoint, it might not be your wisest move. After all, I'm fairly certain you are going against the Council by doing whatever it is that you are doing."

"The Council doesn't know what is best for our people."

"And you do?"

Ava smiled. "Of course. I have seen the Council wrecked by stodgy old fools whose only intent is preserving the status quo. I know what our kind requires. What it will mean to move us forward into the next millennium by assuming our rightful place here on this planet."

Shiraz shrugged. "Vampires have existed for thousands of years in secret. Now, all of a sudden, you're going to move us out of the shadows into the light and let the humans know we exist? You'll never make it. Any type of maneuvering like that would warrant your immediate sanction by the Council. You'd be dead before you even left the building."

"Only if they know about it. I've spent years putting the pieces into place. Moving assets that I will need when the time is right. It has taken me a great deal longer than I thought, mainly because every time I get close to implementing my plans, that bastard Lawson gets in the way. He hates me even if he doesn't realize my true motives. He can't move against me, either. Not while I am one of the most powerful members of the Council. I imagine I am as much a pain in the ass to him as he is to me."

"We both have our reasons."

"Of course," said Ava. "He killed your two brothers. You are the only one left in your family."