I have the answer. Well, no, not exactly--there are still missing pieces--but I have an answer. One that you'll like. One you'll want to pursue.

We are officially back on the case.

It took four rings. Gabriel was ready to hang up and call back, in case she was temporarily delayed from answering. Then the click that signaled the line had connected, but it took another three long seconds for her to answer, and even then, it was a tentative, "Hello?"

"It's me. Where are you?"

Another pause. "Am I supposed to be somewhere?"

"No, no. I have something to discuss, and I was wondering if you were in town."

"I'm..." Pause. "At home."

"All right. I'll come there."

"No," she said quickly. Then, "It's late."

"It's ten o'clock."

"Here it is. But it's midnight Atlantic time, and I'm still adjusting."

No, she was making excuses. Why...? Yes. There was one scenario where Olivia would be reluctant to have him visit late in the evening.

"Ricky's there," he said. And presumably spending the night.


"No, wait, I saw him earlier, and he said he was working for Don tonight. Did that change?"

Pause. Pause. Pause.

"He had Saint's business," she said. "I'm just really tired. Is it something we can discuss on the phone? Or tomorrow?"

"No, it's fine."

His words came out clipped, and she said, "I'm not trying to blow you off, Gabriel. It's just--"

"You're tired. We can discuss it another time."


"Monday will be sufficient. I'll see you then."

"Gabriel, wait. We can--"

"It's nothing. I'll see you Monday."

He disconnected before she could protest. Then he closed his eyes. When he opened them, the boy stood there, backpack on his shoulder as he shook his head.

Well, that went well.

Gabriel turned his phone off.

You feel rejected. Even the tiniest thing like that, and you take offense and reject her before she can hurt you. Call her back. Text her. Say tomorrow will be fine. Invite her to breakfast.

Gabriel pocketed his phone. He would see Olivia on Monday. He could tell her about the pixies then. He wouldn't interrupt her weekend any further.

The boy sighed. Gabriel dismissed him and strode to the door.