He did and drove another half mile down a rutted road, trees closing in on both sides. Then there was a clunk, as if the tires had dropped onto softer ground. When he squinted out the windshield, he saw that the road had disappeared. He'd gone right off the end of it.

"No," the girl said. "No."

He looked over to see her eyes glistening with tears.

"I-I was so sure I knew where it was, and now I've made you drive all this way."

"It's fine," he said. "Just fine."

He reached over to squeeze her hand, and she turned to him, her eyes brimming with tears. He wanted to slide his arms around her, pull her against him, feel her against him, wordlessly soothe her. Then her hand would brush his crotch, and she'd whisper, "I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you."

He took a deep breath and pulled back. Save the rescue fantasy until after you've actually rescued her.

"I have GPS, remember? I just need your friend's address."

"I-I don't know it."

"Well, then let's just give her a call."

"Can I use your phone?"

"Of course." He hit the dashboard screen to bring up his phone and...

"No service." He took his phone from his pocket and double-checked. Yes, definitely no service.

"It's fine," he said. "We aren't exactly lost in the Ozarks. My GPS will bring up a map, and either you'll recognize your friend's street name or we can drive until I have a signal." He squeezed her hand. "I'll fix this."

Big eyes looked up into his. "Thank you."

He pressed a few buttons on the GPS. It flashed No Satellite Found.

"Well, that's inconvenient," he said with a chuckle. "All-wheel drive to the rescue. I'll back out of here and get us back to civilization and a cell zone."

He put the car into Reverse. The tires spun...and went nowhere. He checked the AWD. The dashboard indicator claimed it was engaged. He put the car in Drive and tapped the gas. The tires spun. Reverse? More spinning.

What the hell?

Robert got out, forgetting the girl now as he walked behind the car. Then he circled to stand in front of it. The tires had sunk maybe an inch or two in the soft ground, but his AWD should be able to pull him out of that.

When was the last time he'd engaged the all-wheel drive? Winter? He barely ever used it then, and to be honest, when he flipped it on in bad weather, it was mostly just to make use of a feature he'd paid extra for. Which meant it could have stopped working long ago, and he'd never know...until he needed it.

He circled the car again. Maybe he could give it a push. Get back on the road. He couldn't have driven more than a foot or two past the...

He stood behind the car, looking at the tracks his tires had made. Tracks through soft earth. Tracks as far as he could see, with no sign of a road.

That wasn't possible. He'd been on a narrow dirt road. He'd seen it.

He strode behind the car, walking as he followed the tracks. Twin tracks that left the road and carved a path through thick brush heading toward a forest.

How the hell--?

He gave his head a shake. Not possible. He was imagining things.

"Are you lost?" the girl said, and he wheeled to see her walking toward him.

"What?" he said.

"You're lost."