"You do remember that I carry a gun, I hope," she said, and he had to smile. It wasn't as dramatic as pulling a shotgun on him, but still...

"About the case," Patrick said. "I have reason to believe it's actually a ghost."

"Well, duh."

"I'm quite serious, Liv."

"So am I. Sure, there's a possibility it's not, but all signs point in that direction."

"No, I mean it really is a ghost."

She glanced over her shoulder at him, brows knitting. "Did I miss something? Because from what Gabriel said, you've been arguing that all along. He thought it was a fae, posing as a ghost, and you're the one who claimed it was an actual ghost."

"Yes, but..." He looked up and down the quiet street. "Where are we going?"

She lifted the parcel.

"I don't see a post office," he said.

"It's another block. I was getting fresh air. The kind that doesn't reek of hobgoblin."

"You should be glad I appreciate your humor, Olivia. I wouldn't put up with that from anyone else."

"It has nothing to do with my sense of humor and everything to do with the fact that I am Matilda. I'm useful to you, and you're useful to me. But I think the balance weighs in my favor, and right now, yes, I'm pissy about you doing an end run around me to pester Gabriel with a pointless case."

They turned the corner. And there was the post office. Patrick waited on the sidewalk until she returned and then fell in step beside her. They walked in silence for a while, then he said, "I need you to do me a favor."

She laughed. He waited until she'd finished. It took a while.

"I would consider it a large favor, Liv," he said. "Which means a large favor owed in return. And I'm counting my help with Tristan as a freebie."

"No one asked you to help with Tristan."

"Gabriel came to me for advice on dealing with a spriggan."

"Okay, great. I'll let him know that you consider that a favor owed, which means he will never bother you for advice again."

"My reference help--for either of you--is freely given."

Another laugh. Almost as long. Then she said, "It's not freely given when you keep reminding us of that. And it's not freely given when it helps position you as an ally to both Matilda and Gwynn."

"I want you to tell Gabriel that you're no longer interested in this case."

She looked over. "The case you gave him?"

"Just tell him that you hit a dead end. You found a snag in the theory. You uncovered evidence to suggest it's all a scam. I'll make up the story. You only need to convey it."

"So...lie to him. Awesome. Because he deals so well with me withholding information that he's bound to be even happier if I outright lie. Should I tell him you aren't his father, too? That if he hears anything to the contrary, just ignore it?"

"You're free to tell Gabriel that I'm his father, Liv. I'm happy to give you that."

Her glare sent a chill through him. "You mean you're happy to lay that responsibility on me."

They reached the car. She strode to the driver's side. He waited for the click of the door lock and jumped in before she could stop him.

"I don't want you pursuing this case," he said. "I'm worried about both of you."

She pulled the car from the curb. "Do I dare ask why?"