"Young Mr. Gallagher."

I fought to hide my confusion. "No. I was at dinner with James. The Huntsman lured me into the back hall."

"James? Ah, yes, the former fiance." The grim intensity fell from Patrick's face, the old amusement bouncing back. "So many men hovering about you, Liv. It's hard to keep them straight. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Variety is the spice of life, they say. As for that"--he pointed to the tusk--"it's a pretty bauble. Keep it with you, for now. Just don't get too attached to it. Or to Mr. Gallagher."

He turned to go.

"What does Ricky have to do with this?" I said, walking after him.

Again, he turned. "Nothing. Everything. It depends on the perspective. From his? Nothing, I'm sure. He knows nothing."

"Like me," I said, remembering Tristan's words. "Like Gabriel. We're pawns."

"Only if you allow yourselves to be," he said, and walked into the night.


I had the next day off at the diner, which meant a full day working for Gabriel. I was expected in by nine. Before I left, I got an e-mail from Howard asking me to call.

He had two items of business.

"Your mother is coming home," he said.

"Great. Have her call me when she gets settled."

"She'd like you to pick her up at the airport."


Silence. Apparently not the response he'd expected. "Your mother is looking forward to seeing you, Olivia, and you should make an effort to mend fences--"

"I didn't break any fences. This isn't me being petty, Howard. She doesn't want me to meet her. She wants a chauffeur."

"She could well afford to hire a car. She'd like you to pick her up. And she'd like you to stay at the house."

"Until she finds a live-in housekeeper and chauffeur? Again, no."

"If she wished that, I could hire them before she returns. What she wants is a reunion with her daughter. She'd like you to come home."

Come home. There'd been a time when I longed for that. Now I couldn't imagine it.

"If she wants me to meet her at the airport, she needs to call me. Herself. What else is there?"

"I have a package for you. From James. He doesn't know your address, so he's asked me to send it along."

I stifled a sigh. Probably clothing I'd left at his place. At least he was accepting that it was over.

"Send it to Gabriel Walsh's office," I said.

A pause. "You're still involved with Mr. Walsh?"

"I was never involved with Mr. Walsh. He's representing Pamela. I'll be at his office today. You can have someone run the parcel over."

"Your mother will not be pleased when she hears of this continuing association."

"I'll be at his office for most of the day, and I'd appreciate receiving that package. Thank you for your time, Howard."