‘True, but Alejandro taking things slowly is never going to happen. And he has his own ideas when it comes to convalescing. Chopping logs, swimming in freezing cold lakes and riding flat out on the plateau above the mountains suits him better than a hospital bed. Quite literally anything that takes him away from the city for a while. You wouldn’t know him when he visits our mother’s people. He’s a different man. They regard him as a king, but Alejandro assures me that it’s only when he’s in the mountains that he’s pared down to the better man beneath all the hype and celebrity that status brings him in Madrid.’

Fascinated, Sadie was desperate to learn more. ‘Can I offer you a coffee, or perhaps a cold drink?’

‘I’d love a coffee, if you’ve got time,’ Annalisa agreed.

Sadie would make time, not just to learn more about a man who had affected her so profoundly, but because Annalisa looked a little lost, as if she needed a friend to confide in as much as Sadie. ‘Of course I’ve got time,’ she confirmed warmly as she indicated an empty table where they could sit.

Annalisa’s opening gambit couldn’t have surprised Sadie more. ‘I don’t want to cause any trouble,’ she said as they sat down.

‘Drinking coffee?’ Sadie remarked lightly, wondering what was coming next. ‘I don’t think there’s too much risk in that. If there’s anything at all I can help you with...’ she added as Annalisa played with her coffee spoon.

‘There is something you could help me with,’ Annalisa blurted. ‘I’m worried about my brother. He’s far more important to me than anyone else.’

‘You’re worried about Don Alegon?’

‘Alejandro,’ Annalisa prompted.

‘Well, Alejandro seems tough enough to withstand whatever life throws at him.’ Unless his injuries were worse than the press had reported, Sadie thought with a stab of alarm. ‘His condition hasn’t deteriorated, has it?’

‘No,’ Annalisa exclaimed quickly, to reassure them both, Sadie thought.

‘His voice is still scratchy, and, of course, he could do with some fuss, as well as someone he’ll actually listen to when they tell him to slow down. It’s just a pity I can’t get up to the mountains at the moment, because I have other things to sort out.’

‘If there’s anything I can do—’

‘With my brother heading to Sierra Nevada—and I know he will once he leaves hospital—he’ll need someone to care for him—to make sure he eats his food—that sort of thing—someone he’ll listen to when they tell him not to overdo the exercise...’

Annalisa was being a little optimistic, Sadie thought, and there was something suspiciously like a question in her eyes. ‘Oh, no, I can’t,’ Sadie said quickly.

‘Even slight damage to the lungs can be quite serious,’ Annalisa added, adopting a mournful look. ‘I really think he needs someone to supervise his recovery.’

‘I can imagine how that would go down,’ Sadie commented dryly.

‘But if anyone could do it, you could,’ Annalisa insisted, brightening as she continued to work on convincing Sadie.

‘You’re asking me to go there uninvited?’

‘I’d explain to my brother first,’ Annalisa assured her with eyes that were wide and appealing.

‘So, let me get this straight. You’re asking me to go to the Sierra Nevada mountains to look after your brother who doesn’t know I’m coming?’

‘Until I tell him,’ Annalisa exclaimed.

‘And you would tell him?’

‘Of course—and you’ll love it there,’ she added enthusiastically. ‘It might not be Madrid, but the mountains are very beautiful, and I’ve never seen my brother’s face light up as it does when he looks at you.’


‘Obviously, your food is delicious,’ Annalisa said, backtracking fast. ‘But I know he likes you too. And with food being the way to a man’s heart...’

The persuasive tactics continued, as Annalisa remained stubbornly oblivious to Sadie’s growing doubts as to the wisdom of her plan.

Convinced she was being set up, Sadie finally interrupted. ‘Surely a man like Alejandro can employ any chef in the world?’

‘He loves your food best,’ Annalisa countered quickly. ‘And I’m sure he’d recover faster if you’re on hand.’

On hand? Sadie queried silently. To do what? More than cooking? Annalisa might be a novice matchmaker, but she had made a great case, and Sadie was actually severely tempted to go to the mountains to discover if Alejandro really was a different man when he was there. Sensibly, she resisted the temptation and made her refusal as gentle as she could. ‘I don’t think I’m the right person for the job, but I might be able to find a private chef who I’m sure would be only too pleased to cook for your brother.’

‘He wants you—’ Annalisa blushed furiously. ‘I mean, he wants you to cook for him. It’s your food he likes. Please say you’ll do it. I don’t have time to interview any other applicants, and I’m afraid for his health.’

‘His scratchy voice?’ Sadie remarked dryly.

‘Busted,’ Annalisa conceded with a theatrical huff. Sitting back, she cocked her chin to share an amused look with Sadie. ‘But, honestly, he does need you, and as his sister I have a duty to tell you that. Come on, Sadie—what do you have to lose? If you hate him, you can take a look at the antiquated kitchen. You’d be doing both of us a favour if you could offer suggestions on its renovation.’

‘Doesn’t he have a housekeeper to do that?’

‘Yes, of course,’ Annalisa confirmed, ‘but it’s not her job to redesign the kitchen, and you have so much more experience...’

‘Please,’ she added after both women had been silent for a while. ‘Alejandro does so much for everyone, and I want to do something for him.’

‘I’m not sure he likes me as much as you think he does. We’ve only met once, though I’m very pleased to hear that he likes my cooking. But if he goes to the mountains for solitude, and to be himself, as you have explained, I can’t imagine he’ll want to see me.’

‘But you can handle him. You won’t let him boss you around. And, of course, you’ll make him eat all that delicious food you prepare.’

‘Spoon-feed him?’ Sadie suggested, tongue-in-cheek.

‘You can try,’ Annalisa agreed with a laugh. ‘Please...for me,’ she repeated as Sadie drained her coffee. ‘You’ve nothing to worry about. He prefers horses to people, and keeps his best mounts at his mountain retreat, so you’ll probably hardly ever see him.’

Sadie pushed her cup and saucer to one

side, giving them a few moments of thinking space. ‘I’d really love to help,’ she admitted, staring Annalisa in the eyes, ‘but it’s impossible for me to leave the restaurant.’

‘Who says you can’t?’ Chef Sorollo demanded as he walked past.

‘You’re back,’ Sadie exclaimed with relief, springing up. ‘Is everything all right at home?’

‘Yes, thank you. False alarm. I was more concerned to hear about the car crash,’ he added, and, turning to Annalisa, he took both her hands in his. ‘How are you, Señorita Alegon, and how is your brother?’

Explanations and expressions of relief were exchanged, before Chef Sorollo turned back to Sadie. ‘Did I just overhear you saying that you can’t take any time off work? I’m back, as you can see,’ he declared expansively, tapping his chest with both hands, ‘and no one deserves a break more than you. You’re no good to me exhausted, Sadie.’

‘Exactly what I was thinking,’ Annalisa exclaimed, brightening now that she had an ally and success within her grasp. ‘I’ve just explained to Sadie that if she could possibly go and cook for my brother for a little while, it would aid his recovery—’

‘Good thinking,’ Chef Sorollo cut in, and, carrying the baton forward, he added, ‘Your brother did ask me if I could visit his mountain retreat at some point, to advise on the renovation of the kitchen. Why, Sadie, that’s the perfect job for you!’

Set-up! sounded loud in Sadie’s ears, but what could she do about it, when two of the nicest people she knew had decided to range their forces against her?

‘The mountain air will do you good,’ Chef Sorollo declared. ‘It will be so refreshing, and, apart from advising on the kitchen, you can source some new recipes for El Gato Feroz. Perfect!’ he enthused. ‘The cuisine in the mountain villages is said to be second to none. Good. I’m glad that’s settled,’ he added before Sadie had chance to say a word.