‘I can’t accept that,’ she exclaimed as she looked at the ring.

‘You can,’ he told her.

‘Okay, I will,’ she said, her eyes sparkling with laughter and love. ‘One palacio, a partnership in a business and now a diamond ring... I could get used to this sort of thing.’

‘You’re going to have to,’ he said. ‘Always and for ever, Sadie,’ he murmured, kissing her palm before slipping the sparkling diamond ring on her ring finger.

As he sprang to his feet, he became aware that a crowd had gathered, and everyone was cheering. ‘Always and for ever,’ Sadie repeated in a whisper as he drew the woman he loved into his arms for a kiss.


PEOPLE ACROSS THE world hailed the marriage between Sadie Montgomery and Alejandro, Duque de Alegon as the most romantic wedding of the year. At Sadie’s wish, the celebration was held in Alejandro’s private chapel deep in the Sierra Nevada, rather than in Madrid. His power and magnetism were such that, when the invitations went out, politicians, royals and celebrities alike simply shrugged and packed their bags for an unusual wedding in the mountains between an aristocratic Spanish duke, whom the press had dubbed the Gypsy King, and a girl from a small town, who would have no immediate family at the wedding. But Sadie had invited all the friends she had made since meeting Alejandro, and, of course, Chef Sorollo, the man who had played such an important part in her life and who would continue to do so, took a leading role. Sadie wanted the people she cared about to join her on this happiest of days.

The choir was sublime, the ceremony was magical, and everyone agreed that the bride’s dress, with its overlay of finest Swiss lace, was the most ravishing bridal gown they’d ever seen. With a demure neckline, three-quarter sleeves, and a subtle skirt that fell to the ground in elegant waves of silk, it was designed to be removed easily, so the bride could change for the evening without much trouble. Or so Alejandro would have no trouble removing it, Sadie thought as she smiled a secret smile. A most fabulous tulle veil billowed for twenty feet behind her and was secured with an Alegon family diamond tiara that glittered and flashed at the slightest movement of her head. Alejandro had requested that Sadie wear her hair loose, so it cascaded to her waist in a fiery mane of glossy red waves.

She walked up the aisle on the arm of Chef Sorollo, with Annalisa, Marissa and Maria as her attendants. The bride was so radiant with happiness that everyone applauded. The chapel was full of the most exquisitely scented blooms. After the formal ceremony, a party in the evening would be a feast of flamenco at a real flamenco camp, to honour the noble Duke’s heritage. An air of excitement had gripped all the guests since the moment the invitations went out, for while the wedding itself would be stately and gracious, as befitted a Spanish grandee, the evening party promised to be very different.

When Sadie reached Alejandro’s side in the chapel, he turned to exclaim, ‘You’re so beautiful. You look incredible. And I love you so much...’

Sadie was beyond words as she stared into Alejandro’s eyes. He was off-the-scale handsome in a sharp black uniform that set off his darkly glittering saturnine glamour to perfection. A sash to denote his rank, made of ruby-red silk, ran diagonally across the impressive width of his muscular chest, and was secured on his breast by a fabulous glittering jewel. Sadie had to remind herself that this man was the father of her child, and, improbable though it might seem, he loved her unconditionally.

She was mesmerised by Alejandro, by his compelling presence, and the beauty of his eyes when he dipped his head to confide something in her ear.

‘I’ll have you in half an hour,’ he whispered.

‘Alejandro!’ she whispered back while the choir’s voices rose in a solemn anthem. ‘How am I supposed to concentrate on the ceremony now?’

‘You’re not,’ he said, with a shrug and a smile that quirked his firm, sensuous lips. ‘Just remember to say “I do” at the appropriate moment.’

‘But, half an hour?’ Sadie queried as the congregation settled down.

‘It will take that long for everyone to be seated for the wedding breakfast,’ Alejandro explained with a nonchalant shrug, ‘during which time the bride and groom will be otherwise occupied, though we will join our guests later.’

‘Okay,’ she whispered, silencing him. ‘I don’t need to hear that now.’

Fortunately, they were called upon to pay attention to the service, though Alejandro’s faint smile suggested he hadn’t forgotten his promise, that when everyone else was enjoying a welcoming glass of champagne, the bride and groom would be enjoying each other.

What a striking couple they made, people said as the swarthy Duke, so tall and stern, left the chapel with his tiny, spirited bride to find horses waiting for them outside. Now she noticed that he was wearing tight black breeches beneath his formal jacket. Still laughing at her surprise, he sprang into the saddle and, reaching down, he brought her in front of him. Deftly arranging the yards of tulle and silk, he shortened the reins and they were off. Cheers echoed behind them as Alejandro held her close.

‘We’ve got a head start on our guests,’ he exulted, ‘so that gives us even longer than I imagined, and I intend to make full use of every extra second.’

Within a few short minutes, or so it seemed to Sadie, he reined in beside a familiar caravan. ‘Your bed awaits, Duquesa.’

And so did her lover, Sadie thought, breathless with excitement as Alejandro bounded up the steps.

* * *

The bride and groom were extremely late for their party. The flamenco dancers were already well into their performance, but the moment that Alejandro appeared hand in hand with his bride, a hush fell over the assembled guests.

‘Your Majesties, lords, ladies and gentlemen,’ Alejandro announced, ‘May I introduce my beautiful bride...?’

A collective sigh of surprise and appreciation rose amongst the guests as they took in the sight of the imperious Spanish Duke, backed by a blazing campfire, dressed all in black with a sash around his waist, his swarthy face as proud as any gypsy king, and his young bride, her glorious auburn hair flying free as she danced in his arms wearing a pure white flamenco gown.

‘Dance,’ Alejandro invited their awestruck audience, once he and Sadie had finished the traditional first dance. They retired from the dance floor to a thunder of applause. ‘And may the heart of old Spain guide your footsteps,’ he called out as he led his bride away.

‘As it guided mine,’ Sadie said as she stared at Alejandro.

‘We were always meant to be together,’ he said. ‘It was merely a matter of time before you accepted the inevitable.’

‘And you accepted that you can’t have everything your own way,’ she countered.

‘I can have you any way I want.’

‘You might be right where that’s concerned,’ Sadie agreed, shooting a smile at Alejandro. This was one occasion when she had no intention of entering into a heated discussion with him, as there were far more important things for them to do.

* * *

If you enjoyed A Scandalous Midnight in Madrid by Susan Stephens you’re sure to enjoy the other stories in our Passion in Paradise miniseries!

Wedding Night Reunion in Greece

by Annie West

His Shock Marriage in Greece

by Jane Porter

And why not explore these other Susan Stephens stories?

The Sheikh’s Shock Child

Pregnant by the Desert King

Available now!

Keep reading for an excerpt from Untamed Billionaire’s Innocent Bride by Caitlin Crews.

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