‘You can trust me to do what’s right,’ she said firmly.

But could she trust him, and what would it take to make that happen?

‘Come and meet the team,’ she said, opening the door to his caravan.

It was almost as if they were partners, he thought as the rest of the team greeted them and offered seats to him and Sadie so they sat side by side at the head of the table. This was most definitely a partnership like no other he’d ever known, and he welcomed Sadie’s robust manner because it got things done. She wasn’t afraid to challenge him, and, apart from all the good ideas that she’d put into operation, she’d proved herself to be more than level-headed in a crisis.

She was a mass of contradictions, he concluded. When it came to anything personal, Sadie’s illogical side could so easily kick in. Maybe that would always be part of her persona. And maybe that was what made her so interesting, and such a challenge. Would he change her? Probably not, he conceded as the meeting ended and they stepped outside. All he could do was love her and make her feel safe. There was nothing in the world he wanted more than a stand-up woman who could, and who would, take him on, as Sadie did.

* * *

They had slept on their feet, or that was what it felt like, Sadie thought as she boiled up some water for coffee on the campfire she’d built outside the caravan. The army rescue team had set up a feeding station, and they all greeted Alejandro with enthusiasm, having remembered him from his time in Special Forces, which was another thing she’d just learned about him. The level of testosterone swirling around that tent had been too much to deal with, so she’d slipped away to make a campfire of her own.

‘Enough for two?’

Whirling around, she discovered Alejandro standing behind her. That was enough to send her senses rioting. In full, tough work gear, with his thick black hair tangled and powdered with snow, and his stubble so sharp and black he looked like a pirate, it was unfair to look so good in this type of situation.

‘You look great, considering the work you’ve put in since you arrived,’ she said with her customary frankness. ‘And there’s plenty for two.’

‘Then, coffee would be good,’ he said as he hunkered down beside her.

He was way too much of a distraction when there was still so much work to do. ‘I can only take a short break,’ she explained.

‘Long enough, I hope?’ As he said this Alejandro’s stare levelled on her face. When she chose not to answer, he pulled her close. ‘You’ve done a great job, but now it’s time for you to step back, and let others take over.’

‘Are you patronising me?’

‘No. I’m being properly careful with your health,’ he argued. ‘What you’ve done here won’t be forgotten by anyone.’

‘I’ll go down in myth and legend?’ she suggested wryly, stifling a yawn. ‘Seriously, I’m just one of many. Everyone helped out.’

‘But you helped them over the initial shock by giving direction. They needed something to do to feel they were working towards the recovery of the camp, and you did that.’

‘They still need me around,’ Sadie insisted, feeling she’d taken too much time out already.

‘I need you around.’

Her glance flew to his mouth. He had a very sexy mouth, and, though she was loath to admit it, pregnancy had made her mad for sex; whatever their differences, Alejandro had taught her the difference between sex with him and no sex with him.

‘Sit,’ he insisted when she cancelled her disturbing thoughts in favour of action of a far more practical type. ‘Really—I mean it—sit down. The next shift’s taken over, and they’ve got everything under control.’

She hesitated for a few moments, and then sat down again.

They were sitting on hessian sacks in the snow in front of the campfire she’d built. It was warm in front of the fire, and things were starting to return to normal in the camp. In addition to the staff and equipment Alejandro and the army had provided, dozens of volunteers from neighbouring villages had rallied round with tents and blankets, food and a seemingly endless supply of strong, hot coffee.

‘I’ve opened up Castillo Fuego,’ Alejandro told her, ‘so until they get their lives in order again, all the people here will have a home.’

‘That’s a fantastic thing to do.’

‘You’re fantastic,’ he said.

Helicopters buzzed overhead like a never-ending swarm of noisy insects as they ferried in fresh supplies. A more romantic setting would be hard to find, Sadie reflected dryly as Alejandro smoothed her hair.

‘Seriously, you must take a break,’ he said. ‘You held the fort until everyone got here, and you’ve done a fantastic job. Please, take some of the praise,’ he insisted when Sadie shook her head. ‘Or must I persuade you?’

‘Oh, persuade me, I think,’ she said.

Alejandro had never needed much encouragement, and neither had she. Moving into his arms, she thrust her fingers through his hair to bind him close. When he brushed her lips with his, then teased them apart to deepen the kiss, she was lost, and so was he. Hunger consumed them. How they didn’t make love on the snow, with any passer-by who cared to do so watching them, would remain one of life’s mysteries for ever. Relief that they were both safe and unharmed, and full of determination to carry on and help out, help each other, only added fuel to a fierce, raging fire.

‘You take far too much for granted,’ she teased when finally they came up for air.

‘You think?’ Alejandro demanded softly.

‘You are a very bad man,’ she said.

‘I couldn’t agree more,’ Alejandro told her as he dragged her close for another


* * *

With the resilience typical of Alejandro’s people, the flamenco camp was soon up and running again with music playing and people dancing, while others took it in turns to shovel snow. Sadie and Alejandro were amongst the shovellers. Whether he approved or not, she knew what she could do and what she mustn’t attempt, and she was determined to listen to her body where that was concerned.

‘Dance?’ he suggested, his energy seemingly not even dented by the exercise.

Resting on her shovel, Sadie glanced around. ‘How can we?’

‘Put one foot in front of the other—preferably in time to the music,’ he suggested dryly. ‘We’ve nearly cleared the snow, and there’ve been no serious injuries. Everyone knows how lucky the encampment has been. They want to celebrate, and we should too. You’ve done enough work for today,’ he added, taking the shovel from her hands.

Planting her hands on her hips, Sadie angled her chin to challenge him with a look, but Alejandro’s macho expression made her laugh. ‘What do I have to do,’ she asked him, ‘to train you in the gentle art of letting go of the reins from time to time?’

‘Says you,’ he exclaimed with incredulity.

‘I guess we’re as bad as each other,’ she admitted, standing down.

‘So we dance,’ he said.

There would be no miraculous changes in Don Alejandro de Alegon just yet, Sadie reflected with amusement as Alejandro drew her into his arms, but they did have a lot to celebrate. And, having attended some beginner’s flamenco classes while she was living in the encampment, she had a few new moves to try out.

‘Nothing too vigorous,’ Alejandro warned as she headed for the stage.

‘I’m sure I can rely on you to curb my wilder instincts,’ she teased. ‘Or maybe not,’ she added, flashing a glance at Alejandro.

Every part of her was pressed up against him, and, when he swung her around, his hands were firm on her body. ‘I’m not letting you go,’ he said as a couple next to them performed an intricate move that saw the woman bent over the man’s arm until her long hair dusted the ground. ‘Who knows what you might get up to?’