Beneath his signature, he’d added,

I can’t thank you enough for making everything easier for my staff. Maria, for one, says you’ve revolutionised her working life.

Pleased? That didn’t come close to how she felt, knowing she’d been in Alejandro’s thoughts all along. Hugging the note close, emotion sweeping over her, she thought what Castillo Fuego had come to mean, along with everyone who worked there, and, yes, the owner too. She loved everything about Alejandro’s magnificent mountain home, and at times like these even felt that she belonged here, but this wasn’t her home. The magnificent dwelling wasn’t anyone’s home. It was just another of Alejandro’s impressive possessions. Was she to become one more? Was their child—?

Stop that now! If she carried those thoughts any further the past really would mess up her life. She was her own person, and always would be. The fact that she was falling in love with Alejandro de Alegon was up to Sadie to control, but he made it hard with touching gifts like this, when she hadn’t wanted or expected anything, and was only doing her job.

But the next thing she spotted was a rail of gowns fit for a princess. With an excited exclamation of surprise, she hurried across the room to run her fingertips along the range of rainbow-hued dresses. Silks, chiffon, crepe, satin and lace hung in tempting profusion. How had he managed to organise all of this in one day? Proof positive that no one ever said no to a request from Alejandro! People had clearly gone to a lot of trouble on her behalf so, surely, it wouldn’t hurt to try them on...?

So, she was going to dance with Alejandro?

Of course! Or have him think she was chickening out. And she would be wearing one of these fabulous gowns. He’d been extremely thoughtful, and it would be churlish not to.

Is he wooing you with all the special things you could have if you agree to come under his wing?

No. He’s being thoughtful.

Sadie argued firmly with her inner doubt demon. She wouldn’t be able to wear any of these in a few months’ time, and it would take far more courage to give birth and raise a child than it would to put on one of these pretty dresses and return to the party.

* * *

Sadie was a gutsy woman, and he would have put money on her wearing one of the fabulous gowns he’d ordered from Paris when she came back to the party. What he couldn’t have anticipated was quite how amazing she looked. Familiar with every contour of her body, he wondered how many of his guests had recognised the woman at the top of the steps as the earnest chef who’d prepared such a superb feast for them this evening. The über-professional was nowhere to be seen, and in her place was a flame-haired beauty.

She was wearing the minimum of make-up. The light in her face was all the enhancement needed. Vibrant auburn locks cascaded to her waist, and she had chosen to wear the gown he’d hoped she would. Nude-coloured lace with a pale peach silk lining, it was the most provocative on the rail, and clung to her form with such loving attention to detail she might as well have been naked. Like everyone else present he was transfixed by her charm, her poise and Sadie’s remarkable colouring. No duchess could outshine her and, driven by the need to let every other man present know that he was staking his claim, he strode up the steps to greet her, and offered to escort her down. ‘You look fabulous,’ he murmured as he linked their arms.

‘I can walk down a few steps on my own,’ she told him wryly.

‘In those heels?’

Slipping them off, she linked her arm through his again.

‘You annoying, extraordinary woman,’ he ground out beneath his breath.

‘Annoying?’ she queried. ‘Were the gowns left to tease me? Was I supposed to stay in my room?’

‘Like Cinderella?’ he suggested. ‘Now there’s a role that definitely doesn’t suit you.’

She shrugged. ‘But thank you for making me feel so good tonight. I love the dresses...every one of them, and, whether you like it or not,’ she added with a breathtaking smile, ‘you have made me feel like Cinderella.’

Was that good or bad? he wondered as he brought Sadie into his arms. He could never be quite sure with Sadie. Keeping him on his toes was a big part of her allure.

One sizzling dance later, during which he attempted to keep a dignified distance while Sadie’s delectable body brushed mercilessly against his, they parted by mutual agreement to circulate amongst his guests.

‘What a charming woman—How lovely she is—What a beauty—’ came from all quarters as he moved around. It took his sister to inject some harsh reality into his thinking.

‘Will you hang onto her this time?’ Annalisa demanded. ‘Or will you screw it up again?’

‘I’ll send you to bed without your supper, if you’re not careful.’

‘I’d like to see you try. But still,’ Annalisa observed, cocking her head to weigh him up with narrowed eyes, ‘hearing you make a joke is certainly an improvement. Sadie obviously has a good effect on you.’

Removing his sister’s restraining hand from his arm, he managed to waylay a boisterous group of young men heading in Sadie’s direction with the promise of a jeroboam of vintage champagne. He had never felt such a proprietary interest in a woman before, he realised as Annalisa shook her head in despair and walked away.

Sadie was expecting his child.

Yes, but this was something more than that. Was it possible he was falling in love with her?

* * *

Sadie really enjoyed talking to Alejandro’s guests. They were an interesting group of people. Of course, there were snobs at the party, but they were in the minority, and even the stuffiest managed to unbend when she treated them like all the rest. When the dancing started up again, she and Alejandro seemed drawn to each other like pieces in a puzzle that fitted each other exactly.

‘Happy?’ he asked as they moved instinctively in time to the sultry rhythms of Spain.

‘Very.’ But when this was over, she wanted to hear him say that he would agree to be part of their baby’s future without taking over every aspect of their child’s upbringing.

She must learn the art of compromise too, Sadie conceded as the band segued into a slow tune and Alejandro drew her closer still. Since childhood, everything had seemed black and white. Black for loss of control, and white when she took it back again. Somehow, she had to learn to accept that there were infinite shades of grey.

* * *

He was a natural-born protector in danger of losing his job, Alejandro reflected dryly as Sadie insisted on leaving the dance floor to check on her colleagues in the kitchen. It was time to take action, but before he could sweep her up and carry her away to the mountain encampment they both loved, he had some business to attend to, which would eat up around a month of his time. He hadn’t told Sadie yet, because it was a very recent addition to his diary, and, because their reunion was so tender and new, he wanted to break it to her gently. Learning he was to become a father had made him want to do everything he could to reassure Sadie and to make her feel secure. As soon as they were reunited in the more relaxed setting of the flamenco camp, he was confident he could persuade her to accept that life under his protection would be easier, and not at all confining—either for Sadie or their child.

He was accustomed to taking charge of everything, and as he mingled amongst his guests he found himself glancing constantly in the direction of

the kitchen. How long was she going to be away from the party? Passionate, vulnerable and yet so strong, Sadie was a captivating mix of contradictions that he found utterly compelling. The changes in a woman during pregnancy couldn’t be denied, and Sadie appeared more entrenched than ever in the belief that only she could steer a safe passage through life. If only he could convince her that there was another way.

Remembering how his mother had rejoiced when she was carrying Annalisa, he wanted the same happiness for Sadie. But his mother had enjoyed all the things Sadie lacked, like the support of her family in the mountains, and his father fussing over her every minute of the day. She had been free to enjoy the excitement of impending motherhood, as Sadie should, but Sadie didn’t want or need him to steer her course. The part of him that was pure, primitive male demanded she must—or at least make him the first call if she needed help—but nothing was ever that simple with Sadie.

* * *

Sadie smiled with relief, knowing her first professional party was a huge success. As she had predicted, it went on long into the night. By the time the last guest had departed, and she had made sure each member of staff was safely on their way home, she finally admitted she was exhausted and more than ready for bed.

Alejandro waylaid her at the front door and, kissing her on both cheeks, thanked her for a wonderful night. Professional, or personal, she wondered as he cupped her face as if she were a precious china doll who might break if he kissed her too hard.

‘I’m pregnant, not sick,’ she teased as she smiled up into his blisteringly handsome face.

‘Allow me to be tender sometimes,’ he said. ‘I’m still getting used to our news. And now you need some rest,’ he insisted, stepping back. ‘You’ve worked so hard tonight. If I’d known what you were planning, I would have stopped you.’

‘Oh, for goodness’ sake, Alejandro, I won’t break. Women work right up to the birth, as I shall.’