Plundering her mouth, he lifted her. Holding her close against him, he slowly lowered her so she knew how aroused he was. She was too...more than she could bear. Whatever passed between them, laughter, anger, disagreements, misunderstandings, Alejandro could always set her senses on fire.

He removed her thong at the same time as her comfortable chef’s trousers. Freeing himself, he took her firmly in one deep thrust. She bathed in sensation as he supported her buttocks in his big, roughened hands and encouraged her to wrap her legs around his waist. Moans of need poured from her throat, as she worked with him until release came in a series of powerful spasms. Her screams of pleasure bounced over the tiled walls and by the time the echo had started to fade she was whimpering again as Alejandro kept on moving. He maintained a steady and dependable rhythm that made it easy for Sadie to claim her reward.

‘Once more, I think,’ he murmured when she was finally capable of hearing him, ‘and then we must have that talk you asked for, before I return to my guests.’

Something in his eyes made her uneasy, but only for as long as it took Alejandro to carry her across to one of the sunbeds, where he sat down with his legs spread wide over the edges. Arranging her on top of him, he helped her to very slowly sink down. The angle of pleasure was the best it had ever been. Resting her head against the hard muscles of his chest, she moved her hips with his until he upped the speed and she couldn’t hold on and fell gratefully and noisily into a starburst of sensation beyond which nothing else could exist.

‘Better now?’ he asked with amusement when she was quiet again. But he was still moving, still gently buffeting her all too eager body until she had no alternative but to feed it again.

‘I don’t think either of us is ever completely satisfied,’ he growled softly with approval when at last she collapsed against him, panting with contentment. But when he went to pull away, she took over, and, tightening her inner muscles around him, she made Alejandro groan.

‘You wanted to talk to me,’ he reminded her when they were showering down in adjoining cubicles, ‘and I haven’t forgotten, but I’ve been away from my guests long enough, so it will have to wait until first thing tomorrow morning.’

Sadie tensed at the thought of another delay and all of her own making. ‘I’d rather it was tonight.’

‘It must be something important,’ Alejandro commented.

They both turned off their showers in the same moment. ‘It is,’ she admitted, lifting her chin to face him as they stepped out of the stalls. Reaching for a towel, Alejandro slung it around her shoulders, before grabbing another to wrap around his waist. His silence unnerved her. Could he have guessed that she was expecting his child?

‘I’m pregnant,’ she said, before Alejandro had chance to seize the initiative.

‘I should have guessed,’ he said in a tone she couldn’t read. ‘What else could be so urgent?’

‘I only just found out.’

‘Even so...’ he frowned deeply ‘...if I’d known, we wouldn’t have made love so vigorously.’

As Alejandro’s fierce love of family blazed from his eyes Sadie’s insecurities rushed to the fore. Impending motherhood made it imperative that she fight off her doubts. A drive to protect and love was all part of expecting a baby. ‘I have done my research,’ she admitted, ‘and regular sex poses no danger to the unborn child.’

‘You checked?’ Alejandro repeated incredulously. ‘How long have you known?’

‘Literally hours,’ she said, ‘and the instant I found out I researched everything on the Internet. I can’t ask my mother, and none of my friends have had babies, but I’m not entirely helpless. I’m quite capable of reading up on things and asking questions. I do know something about caring for another human being, and nothing would induce me to take a chance with my baby’s life.’

‘You make this sound as if you plan to go it alone.’

‘Why shouldn’t I?’ Sadie asked, frowning.

Alejandro’s grim expression gradually softened. ‘Why can’t you trust me?’ he asked, his hands gentle on her shoulders. ‘I’ll admit, I’m busy, and, not being used to accounting for my travels, I don’t always quote chapter and verse where my itinerary is concerned, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care.’

‘What do you expect from me, Alejandro?’

He shrugged and looked at her with compassion. ‘That you break out of this cycle of self-loathing. You don’t have to be alone. Reach out, seek help...from me.’

‘But I’m fine on my own. I always have been,’ she insisted.

Thinking how vulnerable she must look, barefoot and wrapped in a towel, and that this must have prompted Alejandro’s concern, Sadie grabbed her clothes and held them in front of her.

‘Asking for help doesn’t make you weak,’ Alejandro insisted. ‘You’re stronger than you think—No—don’t turn away from me,’ he said as she tried to slip past him. ‘Match me—fight me—demand that I listen to you and understand how you feel. Don’t hide away and refuse to take my calls. If you have big news, I’ll drop everything. Feel free to air even the smallest concern. All I ask is that you’re open with me, and trust me, and that you listen to someone else’s point of view before you decide anything. We’ve had a misunderstanding, but how can that be considered relevant by either of us, in light of this incredible news?’

As he spoke, Alejandro brought her back to face him. ‘I want you to accept how much you have to offer me, and then put the past behind you once and for all.’

‘So, you’re not angry about the baby?’

‘Angry?’ Closing his eyes as if he needed to take a moment, Alejandro appeared bemused when he opened them again. ‘Far from it. I couldn’t be more thrilled. My only concern is that you will have to make some serious adjustments.’

‘As will you,’ Sadie countered.

‘Welcome changes,’ Alejandro stated firmly. ‘I intend to take a full part in my child’s life.’

‘Our child,’ she said, feeling a flutter of alarm as they maintained eye contact.

As Alejandro gave a brisk nod of agreement, she accepted that pregnancy had heightened her emotions, and that perhaps she should take a step back. Passions rose quickly between them, even more so now, making it easy to jump to the wrong conclusion.

‘Are you reassured?’ Alejandro probed with a frown.

‘Yes,’ she admitted cautiously. ‘I’m just getting used to the fact that you’re as thrilled with the news as I am.’

‘I’m not sure you’ll be able to dance in those clogs,’ he observed wryly as she dipped down to slip them back on.

‘I wish I could spare the time to dance, but I’ve got too much left to do.’

‘And a kitchen full of helpers,’ he reminded her, ‘all of whom you have trained in excellence to the nth degree. I don’t know anyone more organised than you, which on this occasion plays to my advantage,’ he added dryly, ‘so we dance, to celebrate the news of a new life. That’s what my people do. That’s what flamenco is. The music speaks for us, expressing our emotions.’

Expressing emotions for him, she thought, which was probably another reason why Alejandro found it so hard, if not impossible to verbalise his feelings. Cut him some slack, she thought as she closed her eyes to take stock for a moment. They’d just shared some of the most life-changing news possible, and he’d taken it far better than she could ever have imagined. Was she really going to challenge him now?


‘WHY DON’T YOU return to your room first?’ Alejandro suggested. ‘Dancing in chef’s whites with clogs on your feet might prove a bit restricting.’

‘To put it mildly,’ Sadie agreed, feeling a smile growing as the tension between them evaporated.

‘Don’t rush,’ Alejandro encouraged. ‘I’ll be with my guests, and I’ll wait for you.’

‘Thanks.’ Ideally, she

would have liked to talk first and dance later, but Alejandro had been away from his guests long enough.

Opening the door to her suite, Sadie gasped with surprise. Only one person could have arranged this, but how had Alejandro found the time? The answer sat on a gilded console table, where a note on stiff card was attached to the most fabulous floral display of white roses and fragrant orange blossom she’d ever seen.

Welcome back. As soon as I learned your plans I had florists and designers on standby, waiting for my call. I hope you’re pleased with the result.