
“Cerise is back.”

I frown and cock my head. “Really?”


“And Maxime?”

“Still in Italy as far as I know.”

I giggle, delighted by that. Maxime and Cerise moved to Italy after everything went down and even after their year was up, they didn’t come back right away. I heard some nasty rumors about them getting involved in some failed business there and getting a divorce, and it must be true.

“Should we worry?”

“Not at all. Cerise is broke and powerless now. I think the royals all realize she’s a joke.”

“Charlie definitely does.”

“Then the others do too. Charlie’s the smartest one.”

“Don’t let the others hear you say that.”

He grins at me and shrugs. “I’m very discreet, as you know.”

I laugh and kiss him again. We stay like that for a bit, sitting side by side and looking out over the ocean. The yachts drift on the water, bobbing up and down gently with the waves.

“I don’t ever want to go anywhere,” I say softly. “Is that crazy?”

“Not at all. I feel the same way.”

“Is it this place?”

“No.” He looks at me. “It’s us.”

I smile and I know he’s right.

It isn’t what we have or where we are. It’s who we are, what we make each other feel. We build the world we want together and that’s all that matters. He knows I love him more than anything and I know he feels the same. We keep that love inside of us, keep building it, keep working on it. And every day it grows a little bit stronger, a little bit harder. Every day it gets a little bit better.

We could do this anywhere and that’s what I love best about him. We are in this together, forever.

Leon, my man, my Daddy, my life. He takes care of me and I love him for it every second of every day.

I couldn’t change it for the world.