I sit straight-backed in the chair in front of Leon’s desk. He’s staring at his computer monitor, a neutral expression on his face, almost bored.

“Okay,” I say.

“You know the new building site in Brooklyn?”

“The apartments?” I ask. “Sure, I know.”

“I’m touring them today. I want you with me.”

I cock my head slightly. He’s never brought me on a tour of a building site before.

“Sure. I can do that.”

“Take notes while we’re there. I have some concerns that I want addressed.”

“When do we leave?”

He finally looks at me. Those gorgeous eyes drive me wild. I feel my pulse quicken.

Just a job, just for money, I have to remind myself.

“Now. Go get your things.”

I nod once, get up, and head to my desk. By the time I’ve gathered everything, he’s already heading to the elevator. I have to hurry to catch up.

We ride down in silence. He barely even looks at me and I wonder if it’s because I did something wrong. But no, that’s stupid. He’s just playing his role. He’s the rich businessman and I’m his meek personal assistant. That’s all we are right now. We’re not pretending to be together, not without Cerise and Maxime around.

Once outside, we take his car out to Brooklyn. It’s a nice drive and a nice day but he’s not particularly chatty. I don’t press him since that’s not my role right now. I’m not his girlfriend.

We reach the building site not too long later. The car parks and we climb out together. It’s about half a block large, a substantial construction project that’s clearly near completion. Leon walks up to the front entrance and heads right inside. I hurry to keep up.

The inside is rougher than I expected. Drywall isn’t up yet and electrical is barely run. There are tools and materials everywhere and not a single worker in sight.

Leon stops and sighs. “Worse than I thought,” he says.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him.

“Contractors we hired to do the job are pushing for more money. Keep complaining about delays and issues with the work, but it’s bullshit. They’re trying to squeeze me for more cash. They’re supposed to be working today.”

I shake my head. “Clearly they’re not.”

“Nope.” He glances at me. “Come on.”

We walk through the empty building. It’s actually kind of spooky, but there aren’t any other people around. We pass through half-finished room after half-finished room with materials, tools, and signs of workers littering the unfinished floors: helmets, trash, radios.

“This is bad,” he says finally, stopping at the far end of the building. “We’re going to be way behind schedule.”

“What can we do?” I ask.

“I thought about giving in and paying them more, but now I’m pretty sure I have to fire them.” He growls and walks over to a pile of what looks like roofing shingles. He kicks them, scattering them all over the room.

I step toward him. “I’m sorry,” I say.

His eyes blaze at me. “Sorry? It isn’t your fault.”

“I know. I wish I could help.”

“I think you can.” He comes closer to me, his eyes burning passion and anger. “I think you can help, little Paige.”

I bite my lip, my pulse jumping.

He only calls me little Paige when…

He grabs my hair, pulling me against him. I gasp, looking up into his eyes as he kisses me, his hands rough on my body.

Yes, is the only thing I can think, ringing through my skin.

I needed this, wanted this, and here…

He kisses me deep, passion and anger.

I know what he needs.

He needs to take his frustration out on something.

He needs to fuck me until he feels better… until I feel better.

And I want to give him everything he needs.

I stumble back as he moves me toward the far wall. I press up against it, breathing hard, his lips against mine. But a noise breaks the silence.

He looks away from me. I’m panting, my hair a mess. There are footsteps coming closer. Leon turns to the doorway just as a guy wearing beat-up jeans, a paint-stained long-sleeve denim shirt, and a yellow hardhat steps inside.

The man looks as surprised to see us as we are to see him. I fix my skirt and Leon clears his throat.

“Sorry,” the guy says with a little smile on his face. “I thought the building was empty.”

“We did too,” Leon says. “Where is everyone?”

The guy just grins at him. “Good spot for it,” he says.

I blush so hard I think I might pass out.

“Excuse me?” Leon asks with real menace in his voice.

The guy shakes his head. “Ah, never mind.”

“If you think you saw something, you’re wrong.” Leon steps toward the guy.

“Hey, it’s no big deal.” He puts up his hands and takes a step back. “Really. I don’t care what you get up to. I was just being friendly.”

“Go be friendly somewhere else. And get your boss to bring your whole fucking crew here.” Leon pauses. “And we weren’t doing what you think we were. Get it?”