“You said it would appear yesterday. What am I supposed to do about this now?”

“Nothing,” I say. “Sit tight. You’ve got the receipt already. The money’s coming.”

“Yes, $1.6 million, less than I had originally wanted. I settled in order to get the money faster, you see what I am saying? Now that deal doesn’t look so good.”

“Are you talking about backing out?” I ask him.

“I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. Really, Dean, You’re a businessman. You understand these things.”

I clench my jaw. I know what this asshole wants. He thinks he can call me up and try to shake me down for more money after we’ve already closed a deal, just because of some bullshit delay.

“Listen, Ron,” I say. “The deal is done. The papers are signed. If you want to break the deal now, while the funds are still in transit, I invite you to try and explain that to a judge. I suspect she’s going to want to know why you need the money do desperately fast.”

“That is none of your business,” he snaps.

“No, it’s not, I agree. But the court won’t see it that way. The court will want to know why you need so much cash so quickly.”

He’s quiet for a long moment. “If this is the sort of business you learned from your father, I now understand why he’s so despised around town.”

I flinch but don’t rise to the bait. “If you’re finished, I have work to do.”

“I’m sure,” he drawls. “Oh, by the way. Did my niece invite you to the manor tomorrow?”

“She didn’t,” I say, frowning.

“Ah, of course not. Well, the family is having a little… get-together. I think you should come. We can smoke, talk cars. I’ll forgive you if you’re willing to listen again.”

“I can do that,” I say, not sure why. I don’t need to suck up to this guy anymore. I’m not trying to close another deal.

Well, not trying to close a deal with him, at least…

“Good. Come by around three tomorrow afternoon. See you then.” He hangs up the phone.

I kick my feet up on my coffee table and lean my head back.

I’m not sure what the hell I’m doing here. I don’t know what I just got myself into. I never wanted to buy a warehouse and open some kind of indoor fun park. That’s my not idea of a solid business. This whole thing is Lora’s plan, Lora’s dream.

But I couldn’t keep toiling away for my father. I’ve been wanting to make a new move for a while now. The way he spoke to Lora was just the last straw.

Now that I’ve done it and quit, I feel unmoored. I feel adrift. Lora’s leaning on me, counting on me to know the business side of things, to come through for her. I’m going to, no matter what I have to do to pull it off, but still. Just last week, I had a steady job, a sure thing. I had a future.

That’s been pulled away.

Maybe for the best.

I text Lora a few minutes later.Me: Just spoke with Uncle Ron. He tried to push me into paying more, but I took care of it.

Lora: That asshole!! Are you serious?

Me: He’s mad the money isn’t coming through fast enough.

Lora: Of course. What does he need that much money for so fast, do you think?

Me: Gambling. Unless it’s drugs. But I’d guess gambling debts.

Lora: Oh, god. That makes sense. My dad would give him any money he needs, but if he’s in debt to some gangsters or something…

Me: Exactly. Doesn’t want to go to your parents. I wonder how much he owes.

Lora: I bet you it’s two million.

Me: Ha, I bet you’re right. Oh, by the way, I’ll see you tomorrow.

Lora: Excuse me?

Me: Ron invited me to your little family gathering. It seems he still likes me.

Lora: Excuse me?

Me: Three tomorrow afternoon at the manor, right?

Lora: No.

Me: Oh, yes.

Lora: Dean, seriously. You don’t want to come. It’s not even my immediate family, my siblings won’t even be there. It’s all extended family. It’s the absolute worst.

Me: See you tomorrow.I smile and toss my phone aside. It vibrates a few more times but I don’t bother checking it. She can tell me in person tomorrow whatever she’s saying right now.

I know what I’m doing. Maybe I’m a bit out of control, or outside of my comfort zone at least. Maybe I’m doing things I never quite pictured I could do.

But here I am and I’m not stopping. It’s because of her, because of Lora. Before she showed up, I was on autopilot, moving through the days without thinking. She’s making me wake up, making me step up.

That’s better than anything else.I show up at the manor the next day, despite the annoyed texts from Lora warning me not to come. I buzz the intercom on the outside gate and the butler answers. “Yes?”