“Like our parents have?” Jacob asks.

“No, not like them,” I say. “I want to do it better.”

Shaun smiles at me and Delia laughs. “Well, I’m on board then,” she says.

“Really?” I ask.

“Really. I’ll match Brent and Shaun. God, I’ve just been sitting on all this money anyway, might as well do something with it, right?”

“Sure,” I say. “Exactly. Give it all to me.”

She laughs and grins. “Okay, Jacob, your turn.”

He sighs. “I’m in. Of course I’m in, Lora. You’re the smart one after all.”

“Thanks, guys,” I say. “Seriously. I was so nervous for this call.”

“You did great,” Shaun says.

“Okay, I’m off.” Delia blows me a kiss and disappears.

“And I’m out too. I’ll send the money on over soon. I’m pulling for you, Lora.” Jacob disappears next, leaning me alone with Shaun.

“Seriously, you did great,” he says, grinning at me. “I’m really proud of you.”

“Dean helped me,” I admit.

“Yeah? The Ashman guy?”

“Yep. Couldn’t have done this without him, actually.”

“He’s a good business partner to have then.” He gives me a look. “Just a business partner, right?”

“Of course.”

“Sure.” He sighs. “So listen, I’ve been thinking. I want to give you more.”

“You don’t have to,” I say.

“I know, but Uncle Ron won’t sell for what we’ve accumulated between us. I mean, $1.3 million is good, but $1.6 million is better.”

I stare at him. “You’re going to add another $300,000?”

“Yep,” he says. “Half a mil in total.”


“Look, don’t argue, okay? I’ve been doing really well out here. I don’t even need to touch my trust at all. I can throw half a million into the fucking trash and never even notice. So just take it and be happy.”

“Thank you so much,” I say, biting back tears.

“Love you, kid,” he says. “Now I’m out. Good luck.”

He disappears from my screen and I’m left alone.

Which is when the tears finally do come.

I feel stupid, crying like this. But it feels so good to hear all that support from my siblings. I never knew they thought of me like that. I always figured I was just the youngest one, the girl they barely even noticed, just the fifth and last of the Lofthouse children.

But they think I’m smart and capable. They believe in me enough to give me large sums of money.

They trust me enough to invest in me.

It feels good. I can’t pretend otherwise. I want them to trust me, and I want to earn that trust.12DeanI show up to work early the next morning, intent on catching up on all the work I missed when I skipped out to work on Lora’s presentation.

As I sit down at my desk, I get two pieces of news almost at the same time.

The first is a text from Lora.Lora: We’re on.

Me: Seriously?

Lora: I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner. I’ve been freaking out.

Me: This is a good thing! Congrats, Lora. You deserve it.

Lora: I’m buying a warehouse. I’m starting a business!!!!

Me: It’s super easy, don’t worry.As I put my phone down, smiling to myself, I notice a piece of paper on my desk.

It’s a bill. For the full price of the truck. Not the dealer price, but the full fucking price. I pick it up and walk out of my office. I head down the hall and find my father on the phone behind his desk. He looks up and holds up a finger, nodding his head, listening.

I walk over and hang up the phone.

He frowns at me. “That was rude,” he says. “I was getting some test results back from my doctor.”

I hesitate. “Are you okay?”

“I’m just kidding, that was some customer complaining about his car.” Dad grins at me. “Guess we lost that sale.”

“Goddamn it, Dad,” I say, and shove the bill at him. “What’s this?”

“Uh, looks like a bill for that obscenely expensive truck you bought.”

“It’s for the sticker price,” I say. “Nobody buys that truck for this.”

“You did,” Dad says with a shrug.

“Like hell. I bought it for dealer cost. That was my understanding, at least.”

“Your… understanding?” He raises an eyebrow. “And who did you have this understanding with?”

“Myself,” I say, clenching my jaw. “Is there a reason you’re being a dick?”

He shrugs. “I think you know.”

“I don’t. How about you spell it out.”

“You’ve been seeing that girl.”

I stare at him for a long moment. “This is because of Lora?”

“Lora Lofthouse.” He frowns at me. “I told you she was trouble. And now you’re seeing a taste of it.”

“I’m seeing… Dad, you’re doing this, not Lora. She’s not the problem here.”

“You bought that truck to impress her. Don’t even try to deny it.” I glare at him, but I don’t argue. He’s right about that. I bought it to impress her, but also so I wouldn’t be in her debt. “Now you’re paying the full price.”

“You’re insane,” I say. “I don’t even understand why you hate that family so much. They’ve employed a huge chunk of this town for decades. The whole reason Loftville even exists is because of them.”