He doesn’t say a word as he heads upstairs like he owns the place.

I should show him his room, set some boundaries, but I don’t want to be around him right now. I’m furious and attracted and I don’t trust what would come out of my mouth right now.

Tour is tomorrow and things will be fine. I’ll be so busy, I won’t have any time for this asshole bodyguard. I won’t even notice him, just like Norah said. I have a million other problems, like my fake relationship with Jasper, and I guess this very real stalker.

I don’t have time for some insanely attractive marine.2GrahamFrom Afghanistan to some spoiled pop star brat’s mansion. I guess it’s not so fucking bad, but still.

I miss the dirt under my fingernails, my unit joking around over coms, playing cards in the mess, wondering if I’ll live through the next patrol, all that blood-boiling shit.

I never wanted to retire. I’m forty-four but I got more combat experience than the best of them. I worked my way up to sergeant and stopped. I always wanted to work with my own platoon out on the front lines, fighting the good fight. I never wanted my war to end.

Until one day, the brass came to me, and they gave me a choice.

Graham, they said, Sergeant, you’re getting old. You’re an old man now. You can’t keep up with the young boys.

I told them, no, sir, not true, sir. I can keep up with anyone, anywhere, any fucking time, sir.

Spoken like a true marine, the brass said, but you’re too old. We’re embarrassed to have you out there, you understand that, son?

Yes, sir, I understand the words you’re using, sir, I told him.

It’s either a desk job, somewhere comfortable, maybe even a promotion and a nice pay bump. It’s either that, or you walk.

No other choices, sir?

No other choices.

So that was it, that was how I retired from the United States Marines.

I never understood it and I still don’t. I was a damn good solder, one of the best. It wasn’t just the kills I racked up, or the friends I saved, but it was the team I built. We were a solid group, the sort of group that the brass always sent in first. Trusty, reliable, competent. That was my damn platoon.

But they cut me out, all because I didn’t stay young forever. Well, fuck them. I’m not old, far from fucking old. I’ve got a lot more living to do.

I have to admit, there’s one thing I did miss out on in the damn desert. That’s pussy, lots and lots of pussy. That’s more or less what I’ve been doing since I got back stateside, almost six months ago now.

But pussy is easy and even that gets boring after a while, and I need some damn money. So when my cousin Norah offered me a security job working with that spoiled pretty singer girl, I couldn’t help myself.

I figured I’d stand around, scare away her little pathetic fans, and make a ton of money.

It’d be easy, I figured. I mean, why the hell not? It’d be fun.

That’s what I thought right up until the moment I stepped into Katie Holly’s fucking mansion and saw the girl with my own damn eyes.

Now, I know I’ve been in the desert a long time, fighting and all that, but we weren’t living in a bubble. I know who Katie is, I’ve seen the girl before. I know she’s attractive, tan skin, nice, tight little body, big blue eyes, long thick hair, the sort of lips that scream for a fucking cock, but I figured most of that’s makeup anyway. I mean, she’s a pop singer, she’s manufactured, she’s fake.

Standing in that room, in the flesh, I realized how fucking wrong I can be sometimes.

The girl isn’t fake. She’s not fake, not even close to fake. Her tits are perky and firm and absolutely fucking real. Her lips really are begging for a cock, even without makeup, and those big blue eyes are even bigger in real life. Her body is outstanding, the sort of fucking body a guy would jump on a grenade for, and just standing there staring at her made my cock start to get fucking hard.

I can’t help myself, I guess. Like I said, one thing I missed out in the desert is pussy. And Katie, well…

She’s the most incredible fucking woman I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life.

I get why she’s famous now, at least.

Fucking shit. As I lug my bag upstairs and head into the first room I come across, I can’t help but wonder how the hell I’m going to handle this job.

I mean, shit. I’m going to be around this gorgeous girl all goddamn day long, alone with her at night, alone with her in the morning, alone all the goddamn time. We’re going to be getting pretty fucking intimate.