He barks a laugh at that. “She told you that story? Jesus, that was so long ago.” He laughs again, shaking his head. “No, I mean, yeah, we sort of stole a car, but it was my cousin’s. He got pissed and called the cops but nothing bad happened.”

I bite my lip. “She left out the part about your cousin.”

“Of course she did. She was so mad about that one, actually. I thought she might leave your dad over it.” He laughs again, clearly enjoying the memory. “There were other things. Girlfriends she hated, nights out at the bar where I got your dad too drunk, stuff like that. When I started to have some success…” He trails off and looks away.

“What happened?”

“I let it get to my head. I was such an ass to them. Always talking about money, women, drugs, that sort of shit. Things got bad between us, and eventually, I guess I just… stopped coming around.”

“Because of my mom?”

“No, actually.” He sighs and I can see a hidden shame in him now. This is hard for him, and I reach out across the table and take his hand.

He looks surprised but smiles, squeezing my fingers.

“Your dad actually told me I shouldn’t come around as much anymore.”

I stare at him for a second, but I don’t pull my hand away. “Why?”

“A lot of reasons. I was an asshole, mostly, and he was a father. He was busy being a dad while I was busy trying not to grow up. We were just different people, and it was causing problems, and I guess… he finally understood why your mother hated me.”

I squeeze his hand. “That was a long time ago.”

“It was and it wasn’t. It’s all still fresh for me. It’s why… it’s why I didn’t see him. Why I didn’t call for so long.”

I finally slip my hand away and sip my wine. “But you finally did call.”

“I finally did,” he says softly. “Look, truth is, I was a bastard back then. I just wanted to sleep with women, do drugs, and party. It took me longer than most to finally calm down, but I’ve changed a lot since then.”

I snort a little. “I doubt it.”

He grins. “Okay. Changed some, at least.”

“So you’re a saint now?”

“Not at all. I still want to fuck women.” He cocks his head, eyes on mine. “Right now, just one in particular.”

I blush and look away. “I don’t know. Apparently, my parents both hated you.”

“Your father didn’t hate me,” he says quickly, almost angrily.

I take a sharp breath. “I’m sorry.”

He sighs and has to look away. “Shit, no, I’m sorry. It’s just, I know he didn’t hate me. When he said I shouldn’t come around as much, he didn’t mean… he didn’t want me to disappear from his life. Just maybe stop trying to get him to stay out all night twice a week, or stop showing up a little drunk, stuff like that.”

“You used to do that?”

“Oh, sure. You wonder why your mom hates me?”

I grin at him. “Okay. I’m starting to see it.”

“Look, she has every right. I just hope… she can see past it.”

“If you’re hoping she’ll approve of this, I think you don’t know her at all.”

He chuckles a little. “No, you’re right. But aren’t you worried about that?”

“Sure,” I say softly. “I’m worried.”

“So, what? I’m so irresistible that you can’t help yourself?” He leans toward me across the little table, a smile on his lips.

I stare into those gorgeous eyes. “Something like that.”

He laughs gently and leans closer, reaching out to take my chin. He pulls me toward him, and we kiss, my head spinning, wondering what I’m doing.

He basically just admitted that he’s an asshole. He pretty much told me to run far, far away. He was an asshole, a bastard, so bad that his best friend told him to stop coming around so much.

And yet I’m not worried about that. I know he was a different man back then. I believe him when he says he changed, and even if he didn’t…

I don’t know if I care. I like the man I’m with. I like the man that makes me laugh, makes me feel things I never imagined I could feel. Even if it’s wrong.

Maybe because it’s wrong.

He stands and moves around the table, pulls me to my feet. He kisses me harder and we stumble over to the couches. He pushes me down and kneels in front of me.

“What are you doing, Daddy?” I ask him softly.

He smirks and kisses me again gently. “You want to know why I’m such a bastard, right?”

“Oh, I already know.”

“Good. Let me show you some more.”

He kisses my lips again, moves down to my neck, and spreads my legs.

I watch him peel my jeans off and kiss my inner thigh. I run my fingers through his hair and tighten them as he glides my panties down over my ass and onto the floor.