I never let myself drink around clients. That’s not a hard rule, but it’s still a rule. Don’t get drunk, don’t lose control. But with Brady, I can’t seem to care about any of my rules right now.

I’m just genuinely enjoying myself.

He swirls his glass again and sighs a little. “I think we should talk now,” he says.

I nod a little bit. “I was waiting for this.”

“Have you thought about my offer?”

“I have,” I say. “It’s not a simple thing. I can’t just disappear on my other clients.”

“It’s only one week. They’ll survive.”

I bite my lip. “They will, but my job is all about trust. I don’t want to jeopardize that trust by disappearing on them.”

He purses his lips. “I see. I can understand that.”

“But…” I look away. “I can always tell them there’s a good reason.”

He leans across the table. “Yes, you can.”

“I still don’t understand why you want this. I mean, five million dollars?”

“Money is nothing. I already told you that.”

“I know, but still.”

“You interest me. There’s not a lot left that interests me these days.”

I catch a hint of melancholy in his voice, which surprises me. He’s always so upbeat, but maybe this is that glimpse of something more that I got earlier today.

“I’m considering it,” I say finally. “We’ll need rules. Boundaries.”

“I completely agree.”

“You can’t come into my real life. We have to leave it professional.”

“I can do that.”

“And no sex.”

He smiles at me. “Okay.”

“I mean it.”

“I know you do.” He cocks his head slightly. “But what if you change your mind?”

“I won’t.”

“You will.” His words are whispered.


“I have my own rule, while we’re on the subject.”

I bite my lip again. “What?”

“You see, I have this fantasy. And yes, it’s sexual, but it won’t involve sex.”

“I don’t do fantasies.”

“You’ll do this one.”

“Brady.” I put my hands on the table. “I already told you.”

“Listen, little Aria,” he whispers, nearly cooing at me. “I have one more request.”

“What is it?” I ask him, heart beating fast.

“I want you to call me something. That’s all I need.”

“Call you something? Like a nickname?”

“Exactly. You give me one week and call me what I want, and you’ll get five million dollars. Nothing more than that. No sex, nothing you aren’t comfortable with.”

“What do you want to be called?”

As soon as the words leave my lips, I regret it. This is already going too far, way beyond what I wanted. He has a fantasy, that’s fine. But I don’t do fantasies. I don’t do sex. If we stray into that realm, it’ll totally ruin what I normally do, what I’m good at.

He’ll have the advantage. And I can’t let that happen.

“I need you to call me Daddy.”

I stare at him, a little wide-eyed. “Daddy?”

“That’s right. You’ll call me Daddy for one week and you’ll be all mine.” He leans toward me, his green eyes flashing again. My heart is beating so fast I think I might pass out. “I’ve always wanted to take care of someone, and you’re perfect. I’ll shower you with gifts, little Aria, give you whatever you want or need. You won’t owe me anything, won’t be expected to do anything but to call me Daddy. It’ll be one week of getting spoiled by me, and at the end of it, you’ll get a very nice paycheck. So, tell me you’ll do it.”

I stare into his eyes. It’s tempting, so tempting. One week with him, getting spoiled by him, taken care of by him…

I’m always the one taking care of my clients. I’m the one taking on their bullshit, their stress, their anger. I’m the therapist and the best friend and sometimes even the mom. I need a freaking break sometimes. I love it but I’m tired.

But calling him Daddy… saying that word, over and over to him, letting him spoil me…

I can’t. I can’t do it. This goes against all of my rules. It’s so far outside of my rules that I can’t even remember who I’m supposed to be.

I stand up suddenly. “I’m sorry,” I say, turn away from the table, and walk away.

I stumble back through the restaurant. I don’t know if it’s the wine or just my nerves going insane, but I can’t seem to think straight. I hurry away from the table, through the stifling, dark room, and out onto the street.

It’s dark now. I don’t remember it getting dark. For a second, I’m lost, completely lost.

I keep hearing that word, over and over in my mind. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. I keep seeing myself, down on my knees, calling him Daddy. I keep feeling his hands on my body, his lips on my neck. I can whisper Daddy in his ear while his hands slide up between my legs, tease my pussy, drive me wild…

No, god, no. I can’t do it. I won’t let myself do it.