I smile to myself, head on his chest again. Slowly, I close my eyes, and I can feel myself start to drift.

I don’t know how long we’re like that. An hour, maybe two, maybe three, who knows. But eventually, I wake up, feeling a little cold from lying in bed with him naked.

He’s still asleep when I get up. I use the bathroom before getting dressed. And as I slip my clothes on, I spot my phone, lying on the floor.

I grab it, heart hammering suddenly.

There are dozens of missed calls and texts, all from Louis.

“Shit,” I whisper.

“Everything okay?”

I look over and Brady’s up on one elbow, watching me.

“Yeah, fine,” I say, smiling. “What time is it?”

He nods at my phone. “You tell me.”

“Oh, duh.” I check the phone and gasp. “Oh my god. It’s already after eight. We were asleep for hours.”

He grunts. “Damn. Day got away from us.”

“Listen, I should get going.”

He frowns a little. “I was thinking you should come stay at my place.”

My heart quickens a little. “Maybe tomorrow night.”

He watches me silently. I know that if he pushes, I’ll go with him. After all, I’m supposed to be all his this week.

But he finally nods. “Okay then. Get some sleep tonight. I have something planned for tomorrow.”

I nod and finish getting my stuff together. “Okay. Sounds good. Something fun?”

“Of course,” he says.

I smile and walk over to him. I hesitate, but I kiss him.

He smirks, kissing me back.

“See you then,” I say. “Stay here as long as you want.”

“I will.” He leans back and stretches.

I smile at him before hurrying from the apartment.

I listen to the messages on the way back to my real apartment. I make sure to take the long route this time, doubling back once out of sheer paranoia. I keep thinking I spot Louis following me.

His messages are bad. Very, very bad. He sounds awful, and I’m afraid of what he’ll do.

Fortunately, I have tonight to think. Maybe I’ll call him, or maybe I’ll even try to go see him. I’m not sure what to do.

But as I get closer to home, I start to realize something.

Louis is dangerous. Very dangerous. Possibly unhinged.

I need to be careful with him.

And of course, this is happening right when I decide to lose my virginity. Without Louis in the mix, whatever’s happening with Brady would be messed up and confusing on its own. With Louis, things are just insane.

I don’t know what to do. But either way, I know that the dull ache between my legs makes me smile, and I’ll hold on to that for now.10BradyI pick Aria up at her work apartment early the next morning.

“Ready?” I ask her as she climbs into my car.

“Ready,” she says, yawning a little.

I nod at the cup holder. “Coffee,” I say.

She picks up the Starbucks cup gratefully. “Thanks.”

“Cream and a little sugar. Not sure how you normally take it.”

“This is perfect,” she says, sighing. “Coffee is the best thing in the world.”

“Damn right it is.” I grin, put the car into drive, and pull out into traffic.

We make small talk as we speed out of the city. We don’t talk about what happened yesterday, although it’s lingering in the air between us. I can still practically feel her tight virgin pussy wrapped around my cock.

It’s almost hard to believe that she was a virgin. She took my cock like it was made for her, like she’s been dreaming of it her whole life. She came so fucking hard, and it was the goddamn sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. There’s nothing better than a beautiful woman coming on my big dick, but somehow, she takes that to the next level.

It’s everything, the way she smiles, the way she moans, the way she talks dirty. She’s a filthy girl, deep down, underneath all that good girl bullshit. I can see her for what she is now. I see it so fucking clearly.

She’s a filthy girl. She just needs someone to show her exactly what she should be doing.

I’m that fucking man.

We drive out of the city, out into the nearest suburbs. The houses are older out here, big and stone, Victorian-era monsters. I take her down a bunch of back roads, up a tree-lined private driveway, and I park in front of an enormous old house with a peaked roof and a wraparound porch.

“Here we are,” I tell her.

She blinks and looks around. “What’s this?”

“My country house.”

She laughs a little bit. “Seriously? I thought you lived in the apartment.”

“That’s just one of my places,” I say. “I spend a lot of time out here, actually.”

“You know this isn’t really the country either, right?”

“Sure it is.” I open the door and step out. “Coming, or are you going to keep picking it apart?”

She grins at me and gets out. We head up the front steps and I open the front door.