I spin her around, hands cupping her ass. “Are you ready?” I whisper in her ear.

She hesitates. She doesn’t speak. She looks up at me, pussy dripping with desire, eyes burning with it.

I take her hand. I pull her back toward the bedroom. I open the door, and she follows me inside.

It’s a pretty simple room. One big bed, covered in pillows, with two nightstands on either side and a dresser at the foot. That’s it, nothing else.

I push her down onto the bed. Her hair spills all around her as she stares at me. She moves back onto the bed, legs hanging open, pussy dripping wet.

“Wait,” she says.

I cock my head, stroking my shaft. “Wait for what?”

“I just—”

“Are you ready?” I ask her.

This time, she doesn’t hesitate.


“Good.” I get onto the bed and open her legs wide. I lick her pussy, sucking her clit. “Say my name, Aria.”

“Daddy,” she moans.

“Good girl.”

I kiss her, pressing my cock against her soaking little cunt.9AriaWhen I got up this morning, I never thought I’d be losing my virginity before noon.

His hands feel so good on my body. I know we’re moving fast, but my heart’s beating and all I can think about is how good he makes me feel.

His tongue on my pussy, his cock in my mouth. I’m dripping wet the second he comes near me.

Everything about him drives me wild. And there’s something about the way he opened up to me, about the scars on his body, that makes me want to kiss him.

There’s so much more to Brady Price than meets the eye. He looks like a rich, billionaire playboy on the outside, but beneath that surface, there’s a lot more going on.

I need to get beyond that surface. And I need him to get beyond mine.

He presses me back into the bed. I feel his cock teasing my pussy, sliding up and down along my soaking slit. I groan and wiggle my hips. I need him so badly, but I’m afraid. I’m scared he won’t fit, or he’ll tear me apart, breaking me into a million pieces.

“Wait,” I say, breathless. “Just wait.”

He cocks his head. “Afraid?”

“No, it’s just…” I hesitate. “I’m a virgin.”

His eyes flash hot fire. “You’re… a virgin?”

“Yeah. I mean, I’ve never done this before.”

He kisses me hard and fierce, dispelling all my worries.

“Don’t worry, little Aria,” he whispers. “I’ll be gentle.”

I nod, biting my lip. I never pictured my first time like this. I never pictured it happening in this room, in this apartment. This is my work apartment. I only ever use this room for naps between clients. They never even come in here.

But now a client’s in here. Now I’m naked, his body against mine. I’m sweating and I can still taste his cock on my tongue.

“Daddy,” I whisper to him. I feel his cock press against me as he leans back, kneeling in front of me, spreading my legs wide.

He’s so muscular, so beautiful. I sit up on one elbow and run a hand down his chest, fingers lingering on his scars.

He slowly presses his cock inside of me.

I gasp. It hurts and it feels good. He slowly sinks inside of me before pushing me back down and leaning over me.

He kisses my lips hungrily. He slowly, so agonizingly slowly, fills me with his huge cock. I moan into his kiss, half in pain and half in desire. It’s so confusing, this sensation. It feels good but it hurts, and the hurt almost makes the pleasure that much better.

I groan as I feel his hips press against mine. He’s inside of me, his whole, huge cock filling me up.

“Oh my god,” I whisper.

“Don’t worry,” he says. “I’ll take care of you, little Aria.”

“I didn’t think… you could even fit.”

He laughs gently. “This is just the start.”

He slowly moves back, and I groan. “Shit, Daddy.”

He smirks and fucks me. Gently, slowly, kissing my lips, my neck. It’s sensual, passionate, painful, incredible. I wiggle my hips, getting a better angle, making my pleasure flare up. I pictured this moment a thousand times. I pictured a thousand different scenarios, but never once did I picture this.

It’s so much better. I’ve been afraid, so scared, to let myself give in and feel what it’s like to finally have sex. But I’ve always been too afraid to go forward, always stopped myself at the last second.

With Brady, it’s easy. There are no questions, no fear, no anxiety. I’m in his hands, his capable, amazing hands, and I know he’s going to make me feel as good as humanly possible.

He kisses my neck and slides deep inside. I feel the muscles on his back, hands running down the length of him. I groan and I can feel sweat on my skin, sweet and hot, all at once.

“You have no clue how good you feel,” he whispers. “So fucking tight, so fucking wet. You were made to fuck me like this, little Aria.”