And it’s a little exciting.

I hate to admit that part of me is excited to spend some money. I’ve lived a simple life for so long, there’s a part of me that wants to go a little nuts here. And the idea of buying a pretty, expensive dress is just so appealing.

I hate to admit it, but that’s the truth.

I’m still skeptical. I’m still not sure that I want to be in this.

But maybe there will be perks I hadn’t thought about. Maybe it won’t be so bad.

I mean, he’s winning some kind of charity award, right? Brady can’t be that bad.

I just have to learn to protect myself for the next week and hope that I don’t get sucked too far into his world.6BradyI hate this sort of thing.

Rich people in fancy clothes, expensive champagne, big ballroom, all that bullshit. I never, ever go to shit like this. I’ve made it a point to avoid these gala events at all costs.

But my PR guy, Jeremy, basically blackmailed me into it. I mean, they’re giving me an award for donating a stupid amount of money to charities all over the city, he said. If I skipped it, I’d look like the biggest bastard in the world.

He had a point, and so here I am. Uncomfortable, annoyed, but present.

When I first learned about this dinner, I figured I’d stay for as long as I needed to then duck out the back. But now, I think I have a reason to prolong this experience, at least a little bit.

Aria tilts her head and smiles at me. I think I’ve been staring at her ever since I picked her up at her apartment.

Her dress is a beige color, low neckline, long skirt with a slit up the front. The fabric is nearly see-through along the skirt with lines of slightly shimmering patterns running up it. The bust is equally translucent, showing off just enough of her breasts to be enticing without being inappropriate.

She looks fucking stunning. I’m willing to bet she spent that fifty grand or more, which makes me smile. I could tell she wasn’t comfortable with spending my money, but I’m glad she did.

And I’m glad she did it on that fucking dress.

“What?” she asks.

“You look incredible. Have I said that yet?”

“No.” Her smile is the most genuine smile in this room. “You really think so? I wasn’t sure about this dress. It’s a little…”

“It’s perfect,” I say. I step closer to her, sliding my hand onto the small of her back. “Everyone’s going to ignore me with you on my arm.”

She blushes and tilts her head toward me, giving me this impish little smile. “You think so, Daddy?”

My heart skips a beat. “I know so.”

We move through the room and we do get more than a few looks, although I’m not sure if it’s because she looks incredible, or if it’s because I’m the guy getting the damn award.

“Oh, thank god!” Jeremy appears through the crowd. He’s young, tan, with a ton of stubble, and pitch black hair. “I almost thought you’d skip.” He cocks his head at Aria and takes half a step back. “Damn. Who’s this?”

“Jeremy, this is Aria. She’s my date for tonight.”

“I see that.” He holds out a hand. “Charmed. Lucky girl.”

“Uh, hi, nice to meet you.” She gives me a confused smile.

“Jeremy is my public relations guys,” I say.

“More like fucking chief fireman,” he says. “All I do is put out fires. Seriously, for a guy that owns a marketing consulting firm, he really doesn’t know how to market himself.”

“Jeremy thinks I care about marketing myself,” I say to Aria.

“Don’t you?” she asks. “Seems like you do.” She touches the lapel of my jacket. “How much did this suit cost?”

I grin and Jeremy barks a laugh. “Oh my god, Brady. She’s perfect. Seriously, how did you convince her to come with you?”

“I’m paying her five million dollars,” I say absently, grinning at Aria.

Jeremy laughs again. “Of course you are. How else would you get a smart, gorgeous woman like this?” He sighs and looks at the crowd. “Good turnout. You’d better play nice.”

“I don’t plan on playing at all.”

Jeremy gives me a look. “Really. There are some important people in here.”

“I don’t care.”

“Yes, you do. Look, go find your table, get settled. And be nice.”

“He will be,” Aria says before I can grumble some more. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Oh, catch me, I’m in love.” Jeremy pretends to swoon. “Okay, good luck, you two.” He stalks off through the crowd, greeting a pair of old people wearing more diamonds than a jewelry store.

“He’s… interesting,” Aria says.

“I know. I like him.”

“Me too.”

I hold out my arm and she takes it. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

We walk through the crowd. I greet a few people I recognize, shake a few hands I don’t, and we eventually make it up to our table. It’s right up front, of course, which is annoying. I hate being where people can spot me.