“I really hate you,” Darrin mumbled with a pained groan as he managed to crawl out from under the coffee table and get to his feet.

“Where are you going?” Danny asked as he pulled the blanket over his head.

“To my room where I can die in peace,” he said, stumbling his way to the door.

She turned her attention back to Danny to find him curled up in the fetal position. “Kill. Me,” he muttered pathetically, again, leaving her standing there wondering if now was a good time to mention that she had a craving for scrambled eggs.


“So, explain something to me,” Jodi said as she folded her arms on the edge of the tube he was floating on.

“What?” he asked, wincing at the sound of his own voice and wondering when the aspirin was going to kick in.

“How exactly is this a family trip when you haven’t spent any time with your family?”

“I’m with them in spirit,” he told her, tempted to pull her up on his lap, but decided against it a minute later since this was a family hotel and they’d probably take exception to him removing that small black top and suckling on her nipples to help him forget about his hangover.

“Uh huh, is that why your mother keeps calling?”

“She doesn’t really expect me to spend every minute of this trip with them. Trust me,” he said, closing his eyes behind his shades, deciding that a post-lunch nap was in order.

“So, you’re planning on seeing your family?”


“And when is that exactly?” she asked as he registered the feel of her small wet fingers tracing his jaw.





“I’ll still be recovering from this hangover,” he said, opening one eye to glare at her.

“Lightweight,” she said on a drawn out sigh and a shake of her head.

He was just about to remind her that he hadn’t been the one running up and down the hallway last night demanding to know who’d stolen her fairy dust when he saw her lips twitch and heard the telltale sound of a muffled snort of amusement. Opening his other eye, he glared at her as he quickly took in their surroundings. They were alone, probably because everyone else was still at the parks. Whatever the reason, it worked in his favor.

“I never did thank you for the scrambled eggs this morning, did I?” he asked thoughtfully as he slid off the tube and reached for her.

Her eyes widened with a muttered, “Uh oh.”


“Open the door, you son of a bitch!” she hissed as she cowered in front of their hotel door, holding onto the edges of the small pool towel with everything that she had.

She might be small, but the towels were even smaller and barely covered her. She’d discovered just how small they were when the bastard snatched her bikini off and ditched her naked ass in the pool as he’d sauntered away, smiling that smile that made her contemplate murder. It had taken her over thirty minutes to find the courage to jump out of that pool, race across the patio and grab a handful of the thinnest towels known to man and hide behind the dirty towel bin where she’d struggled to cover herself with the towels and failed.

She either ended up flashing her boobs or her ass, neither of which was appropriate for a stroll through the hotel lobby. It had taken her some time and a lot of luck, but she’d finally managed to cover her back and ass with one towel and drape another one in front of her by using her teeth and a lot of prayers and the promise of kicking Danny’s ass. Twenty minutes later and a humiliating wait in the lobby, she finally managed to make it to the sixth floor.

“Tinkerbelle,” Danny said with that goddamn charming smile as he opened the door and gestured for her to come in.

She stormed inside, only pausing long enough to slam her foot down on his instep.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?” he demanded, so she did it again before she went into the bathroom, grabbed the door and slammed it in his face.

Truly afraid that she was going to end up killing him with her bare hands, she dropped the towels, stepped inside the shower, yanked the curtain closed and turned the shower on full blast. As she stood there, trembling while she waited for the water to heat up, she decided that it might be a good idea if she bunked with Marybeth for the rest of the trip to save herself the headache of trying to come up with that defense attorney fund.

“You still mad at me?” the bastard asked as he stepped in the shower and wrapped his arms around her.


He chuckled as he kissed her shoulder. “Would it make you feel better if I told you that I stayed down there to keep an eye on you?”


“What if I told you that I kept a middle-aged couple with three really annoying children from going in the pool?” he asked with another kiss.

“It might help,” she said with a sniff as she pointedly looked away.

“How about if I said that I was sorry?” he asked, pressing another kiss against her shoulder, this one lingering.

“You’d be lying,” she said, licking her lips as she felt him tease the curve of her neck with the tip of his tongue.

He chuckled, but the sound was strained as he ran his hands over her stomach. “Do you want to finish what we started last night?” he asked, cupping her breasts with a soft groan as he gently sucked the spot just below her ear.

More than anything, but she didn’t want to stop this time. She didn’t want to settle for his mouth or his fingers. Even the idea of sitting on top of him and riding the underside of his cock left her unsatisfied. She wanted him. All of him this time. She was sick of taking things slowly, of testing every type of foreplay known to man only to end up lying in his arms, gasping and trembling and feeling oddly unsatisfied no matter how many times he’d made her scream his name.

“I don’t want to stop this time,” she said, licking her lips as she waited for him to explain that it was important for them to wait.

It was a discussion that she was sick and tired of hearing. In the beginning she’d understood and even appreciated his desire to take things slowly, but now she thought she’d scream if she didn’t feel him sliding inside her. She waited to tell him that, but he didn’t say anything. He just stood there, his lips pressed against her neck, his hands cupping her breasts and the part of him that she craved pressed against her back.

“Are you sure?” he asked softly after what felt like an eternity.