“Looks can be deceiving, Jason,” she says.

I laugh. “True enough.”

“Anyway, why choose college kids, if we’re so immature?”

“I have some theories,” I admit to her. “But I don’t plan on sharing them right now.”

“Secret stuff?”

“Pretty much.”

“I can keep a secret.”

I swear, she knows what I’m thinking. My heart beats faster. I can imagine fucking her right here on this desk, keeping her mouth shut, keeping her quiet, as she strains against my cock, begging to scream out in pleasure…

“I bet you can,” I say.

“It can stay just between us.”

“Some other time.”

“Sure, okay.” She smiles lightly. “Anyway, thanks for choosing me.”

“Like I said, you chose yourself. I just read the papers.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Professor.”

“Jason,” I correct her, but she’s already leaving the room with a smile on her lips. I know she’s messing with me, and it’s driving me crazy.

What the hell am I doing, flirting with this girl? It’s so stupid and dangerous. And yet I can’t help myself.

She’s so fucking sexy. Smart and sexy. Exactly what I want.

I sigh, gather my things, and leave the classroom. I have to put her out of my mind, focus on what I’m here to do.

Or else risk letting my dick get me off course and fuck things up for myself.3Clara“You’re so fucking lucky.”

Mac stares at me like I’m literally made of gold.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” I say, trying to downplay it, although inside I’m buzzing with excitement.

“Not a big deal? You’re going to be working on a personal project with, like, the hottest billionaire in the world.”

“He’s not that hot.”

Mac punches my arm. “You shut your mouth.”

I grin at her and we sit down together on a bench. Mac lives with me in a tiny apartment off campus, just a few minutes away by bike. It’s early in the morning, ten to eight, and we’re camped just down the block from the address Jason emailed last night. Mac has an early class so she very politely told me that she’d be coming along, or else.

Mac’s as enamored with Jason as I am, and I can’t blame her. The guy is gorgeous and rich and brilliant. She just wants to catch a glimpse of him, although I’m afraid she’s going to do something stupid. She’s tall, pretty, with straight blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She runs track and writes poetry.

We’re practically polar opposites. She’s been my best friend since freshman year.

“Look, okay, it’s not like he’s going to come to work shirtless, you know?”

“Oh, god, don’t even say that.” Mac flutters her eyelashes. “Heaven forbid.”

“He’s my professor, okay?”

“Even better. Seriously, Clara, don’t pretend like you’re not lusting after him.”

I sigh and sip my coffee. “Okay, fine, whatever. I want him to take me back to his apartment and ravish me.”

Mac rolls her eyes. “You mean you want to suck his dick until he falls in love with you.”

“Oh, god,” I groan.

“Seriously, I’d swallow for that guy every single time.”


“He could put it anywhere. I’m not even joking. I’d give up my butt for that guy.”

I groan. “Too much, Mac.”

She shrugs and gives me an innocent smile. “Just saying, you’d do the same.”

I glance away from her. She’s absolutely right, but I’m not about to say that out loud.

Frankly, I’d let that man do very, very dirty things to me. Whatever he wanted, whatever dirty fantasy he’s into, I’d play along. Anything just to get a taste of him. I’ve never felt like I wanted to throw myself at a guy like this, with pure animal sexuality, but here I am, lusting for a guy twice my age.

A very rich, very handsome guy.

Coop and Parker are heading down the street, angling for the building we’re supposed to meet in. I look back at Mac. “There are two of the others,” I say, nodding in their direction.

She frowns. “They look like typical nerds.”

“We’re all typical nerds.”

She raises an eyebrow at me. “You’re too hot to be a nerd.”

“Not true.”

She sighs. “Seriously, Clara. When will you figure it out? You’re fucking hot.”

“Thanks, Mac.” She’s always saying that, always trying to make me feel better.

I’m not some great beauty. I’m not going to get thousands of followers on Instagram or something like that. Mac, on the other hand, could post a bikini pic and get literally thousands of likes.

I’m fine with that. I couldn’t care less. I have my own thing.

“Look, just play it cool in there, okay?” she says.

“You’re the one talking about giving up your butt.”

“I’m just saying, you can get a little…”

“A little what?”

“Clingy. Pathetic.”

I glare at her. “That’s not true.”

She sighs. “Okay, fine. That’s me. You’re Clara the Ice Queen.”

I nudge her with my shoulder. I spot Howard and Alan hurrying after Coop and Parker. The four guys disappear inside.

“I think I should get going,” I say. “Stop talking about my professor like that, okay?”