Howard sneers at me again but turns to the guys. “Not much. Just had to do some teamwork with Clara.” He rolls his eyes.

My anger slowly deflates as Howard joins his group of idiot friends. They throw me some weird looks before talking more about hot X-Men characters, or whatever. Howard thinks Jean Grey is the best, which is so stupid and typical.

Everyone knows Rogue is the hot one.

Jason comes back into the room a minute later and we get to work. I’m in a foul mood for the rest of the session, and when it’s over, I don’t bother to linger behind with Jason.

It’s like my relationship with Jason has suddenly been tainted by Howard, like there’s a stink wafting over it.

I know that feeling will fade. Right now though, I feel gross and angry.

Worst of all, I hate myself for letting a weasel like Howard get under my skin. That’s what he wants, he wants to rattle me.

I’m not totally sure why, though. It can’t be just because he hates women. I mean, there’s definitely some of that, for sure. But it can’t be the only reason he’s doing any of this.

It has to be personal. There has to be something about me in particular that he can’t stand. I don’t know what it is, and honestly, I’m not sure I care.

I hate that I’m wasting any time on that asshole.

Either way, I have to be careful now. He’s aware that something’s going on between me and Jason, so he’ll be on high alert now. I don’t think he bought my denials even a little bit.

Better keep my head on a swivel, or else Howard’s going to ruin the best thing in my life right now.10JasonA couple of hours after our little morning session, I send Clara an email.

Clara, How would you feel about having a very inappropriate dinner with your professor? We can call it a date, so long as you promise to call me Daddy afterward.

I’m smiling the whole time. I end the message with my phone number and hit send, feeling strangely nervous.

I know it’s stupid. I’m like a kid again, excited about every little kiss, every little moment. I want Clara and I’m going to have her, and I don’t give a fuck that there are things standing in my way.

Even that little twerp, Howard. I clench my jaw, sitting in my office. He’s such a little turd, and he’s an asshole to Clara, and he almost caught us… but he’s talented. I hate it, but he really is.

I could still use him, as least for now. I don’t have a good reason to get rid of him that won’t look suspicious, even though I want to. I know he’s a dick to Clara and maybe that should be reason enough, but unfortunately, I think he’s starting to suspect something.

I’ll have to be careful with him. So, for the time being, it’s business as usual.

At least until Clara responds to my email.

I’d love to. Meet outside the lab? Along with her cell number.

I smile to myself and send her a text. See you there at eight.

She responds right away. See you then, Daddy.

I’m grinning like a moron. Seriously, I’m like a fucking little kid again.

The day can’t pass fast enough. I grade some papers, prep some notes for my next lecture, and have office hours. A couple of students even stop by this time, although I’m distracted and can’t wait for them to leave.

It’s not their fault. I’m just not interested in them. I’m only interested in Clara these days.

After that, I head home, get changed, and I’m outside of the lab five minutes early.

Of course, Clara’s already there. I’m grinning as I approach her.

“I should’ve known you’d already be here,” I say.

She smiles bashfully. Tight jeans, slim sweater, light jacket. Hair pulled up into a messy bun. “I like to be on time.”

“You like to be early,” I say, and nod down the street. “Shall we?”

She bites her lip and nods.

“I hope you don’t mind walking a little bit,” I say. “It’s actually nice out tonight, so I figured we might as well.”

“I don’t mind,” she says. “Just so long as we don’t run into the dean again.”

I laugh at that. “I don’t think we will, but you never know.”

“Are we going somewhere far off campus?”

“Not really,” I admit. “There’s this little Italian place nearby, it’s a hole in the wall, but it’s really good. Expensive, so I’m betting most students and teachers don’t bother going inside.”

“Perfect,” she says, grinning. “I’ll put that fortune of yours everyone’s always talking about to the test.”

I laugh. “Go ahead, get what you want.”

“One of everything. Two lobsters, actually.”

“You just have to eat it all.”

She makes a face. “I wouldn’t challenge me, or else you’re not seeing me naked for weeks.”