The orgasm rips through me as he takes me rough. I can see in his eyes that he’s close too as I roll my hips, begging him to keep fucking me. I call him Daddy over and over, saying the word like a poem.

When he comes, it’s deep inside, filling me. I want him deeper, deeper. I roll my hips and love the feeling of him coming inside of me, his groans loud and intense.

He kisses me slowly as he finishes. I kiss him back, biting his lip softly.

He smirks, releases the rope from my wrists. I rub them a little bit, even though they don’t feel sore.

He sits back and I crawl to him, putting my head against his chest. He holds me tight.

“You’re a distraction,” he whispers into my hair.

“I know.”

“I don’t care, though.”

“I know.”

He smiles, kisses me again.

I hold him tight, feeling his heart beating against my ear.12AidenI’m tired the next day, but I’m always tired.

It’s a good sort of fatigue. It’s the fatigue that comes from a long night’s work.

Or a good hard fucking.

I smirk as I walk down the hallway. I’m actually smiling to myself like a damn moron. It’s later in the day, so I assume I’ll be seeing Ruby again when I visit her grandmother.

I keep thinking about her last night, down on her knees, hands tied behind her back. I could’ve done anything to her, had her any way I wanted. That thought is so exciting I can barely control myself.

I need her again. I need so much more of her. I don’t think I’ve felt this way in a very long time, but here I am, daydreaming about a girl.

Every time she calls me Daddy, I know I can’t let her go.

Fucking hell. She really is a distraction. I tried all day to lose myself in work, but it’s hard when all I can do is think about her sweet pussy wrapped around my cock, her body in the throes of an orgasm, my dick buried deep inside.

I need more of her. I don’t think she can possibly understand how badly.

I check in on Karen, and she seems stable. I spend some time answering questions, going over her chart. I order a few more tests before stepping back out into the hall.

And my pager goes off.

I recognize the code and practically run down the hall.

It takes me about two minutes to get to Dot’s room. Ruby’s there, standing next to the bed, while two nurses bustle around Dot. Ruby steps away, eyes wide, and stares at me.

“What’s happening?” she asks, nearly hysterical.

I can’t blame her. Dot’s having a seizure, her whole body shaking. That’s not good, especially for a woman her age.

“Get back,” I snap at Ruby and move into action.

It’s a blur of activity. I’m not thinking, I’m just doing my job. I know what needs to be done, and I easily do it, ordering the nurses around as needed.

Ruby stands off to the side, eyes wide.

“What’s happening?” she asks again, stepping toward me as I go to adjust Dot’s IV bag.

“Back off,” I growl at her.

“Is she okay? Is my grandmom okay?”

“Get her out of here,” I say to one of the nurses.

“Come on, honey, let the doctor help,” the woman says, gently taking Ruby by the shoulders.

“Why won’t you answer me?” she snaps. “Aiden, what’s happening?”

I can barely hear her. I’m in the zone, working to keep Dot stable, to save her life. Ruby is just another body in this room for me as I fall fully into my work.

It doesn’t last long. Soon enough, Dot is stable again. She’s not conscious, but her vitals look strong enough that I’m not worried something more serious is happening.

I sigh and step away from her, cursing to myself. I didn’t expect this to happen, but I know what the problem is.

The nurses glance at me as I leave the room. My head’s buzzing with what to do about Dot when Ruby steps up beside me.

“Aiden,” she says, and I snap back into the moment.

I blink and stare at her. Ruby, my little gem.

“Is she okay?” Worry, stress.

“She’s okay,” I say.

“What the fuck was that?”

“A seizure.”

She glares at me. “No, you asshole. You threw me out of there, acted like I didn’t exist.”

“You were in the way. I was trying to save your grandmother.”

“You could’ve said something to me.”

“I told you to step back.”

She blinks, shocked. “Why are you being an asshole?”

I shake my head. “I’m not being an asshole. I was trying to save your grandmother and you were in the way. I did what I had to do.”

She looks speechless. I don’t know why I’m losing control of this moment, but I’m telling her the truth.

I was working to save Dot’s life. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk by throwing her out. I just needed space to work, and she wasn’t helping.