As I finish, Dr. Sexy returns. He yanks open the curtain with a frown, not bothering to ask if I’m decent.

“Let’s go,” he says. I get up and he walks me out of the room, depositing me into a wheelchair.

He pushes me down the halls. Nurses and other doctors smile and greet him, and he grunts back in response to each person. I catch more than a few women give him a double-take as we move, and I can’t blame them.

He really is freaking gorgeous.

We turn a corner and he pushes me past a bunch of desks. One of the nurses starts to say something to him, but he glares at her and she stops. He pushes me into a back room, helps me out of the chair, and lays me down on the table.

“I’m positioning this over your ankle,” he says, moving a machine down my body. “I’ll take the pictures.”

“Uh, okay.”

“Just lie still.” He puts it right over my ankle before grabbing one of those heavy lead blankets and putting it over the top of my body. “I’ll be back in a second.”

I stay still as he leaves the room. I stare at the ceiling, wondering how pissed my boss is going to be. The machine makes some loud noises, and I’m left there on the table for almost ten minutes.

I’m about to sit up and get the hell out of there when the door flies open. Dr. Sexy comes in, a frown on his beautiful face as he turns on one of those lightboxes and tacks the X-ray up on it.

“This is your ankle,” he says, pointing. “No breaks, no fractures. You just sprained it.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

He shrugs. “Ice and elevation. How are you getting to work?”

“Walking,” I say.

He sighs. “I’ll find you crutches.” He walks over and helps me to my feet. He deposits me back in the wheelchair and pushes me back to the original room.

I keep glancing up at the guy, trying to read his expression. Based on the way people are treating him, I’d guess he’s pretty important. I can tell he wasn’t supposed to just take me back and X-ray me the way that he did, but nobody stopped him.

This guy is something else around here. I’ve never seen a doctor navigate this hospital the way he is, just taking whatever he wants and doing whatever he wants.

Once we’re back in the original room, he gets me up but doesn’t put me on the bed. “Stay still,” he says, and starts to examine my body.

I blink, biting my lip. His hands move from my ankles up my leg, up my hips, up my sides. He gently brushes against my breasts but doesn’t seem to notice as he finishes, hands moving down my arms.

“Right-handed?” he asks.

I nod, dumbfounded. He takes my right hand and inspects it.


“Never,” I say.




“Not as much as I should.”

That gets a little smile. He squeezes my palm and I swear a chill runs down my body.

“Okay,” he says, and helps me down onto the bed. He’s so close, his hands are on my basically naked body, and I’ve never been so turned on in my entire life.

I’m absolutely soaked. It’s stupid and weird. I know this guy’s a doctor. But the way he touched me, inspected me, it just… it drove me insane.

I don’t even know what he was doing. I mean, I hurt my ankle, but he’s touching my whole body. Normally I might stop someone, but it feels so fucking good coming from him.

“Stay here,” he says. “I’ll be back.”

He leaves the room again. He doesn’t pull the curtain.

I lean back on the bed and sigh. I close my eyes and picture Dr. Sexy going through a full body inspection, really examining me. I wish he’d do it for real, actually. I wouldn’t even need him to touch me, just use those gorgeous eyes and scan my body and…

“Excuse me, miss? What are you doing in here?”

I sit up as a large nurse stares in at me, a frown on her face.

“Uh, a doctor put me in here,” I say.

“What doctor? This is supposed to be empty, sweetie.”

“I don’t know his name,” I admit.

She sighs. “Tall guy? Short guy? Seriously, honey, this room’s supposed to be empty.”

“He’s… uh…” I blush a little. “He’s really hot,” I say.

She hesitates before laughing and shaking her head. “Shit, girl, I know the one you mean. I’m not surprised.”

“Why?” I ask, flustered.

“Dr. Hill is an asshole. Good luck.” She laughs again and walks off, shaking her head as she goes.

I frown after her but I’m not really surprised. From my brief interactions with Dr. Sexy, I mean, Dr. Hill, he’s definitely an asshole.

I don’t have to wait long for him to come back, fortunately. I glance at my phone and frown at the time. I’m going to get so much shit from my boss when I finally show up.