Aiden is here. Dr. Hill is here. He’s going to take care of me.

“Come on,” he says, taking my hand. “I want to show you my office.”

“Your office?”

“Sure. I don’t bring a lot of people up there.”

I walk after him as he heads toward the stairs. “Why not?”

“Private space,” he says.

“But you’re willing to bring me in there.”

His smirk is delicious, almost frightening. “You’re right. Maybe that’s a mistake.”

“You think so?”

He stops for a second and turns toward me. “I think you’re a distraction.”

“I think you’re an asshole.”

“Doesn’t change a thing,” he says, shaking his head. “I should be checking on patients right now.”

“I hear you don’t have many.”

“That’s true. Just the interesting ones.”

“Is my grandmother interesting?”

He shrugs. “Not really. But you are.”

“Why?” I say, practically a whisper.

He steps closer to me. We’re alone in the hallway, but who knows for how long. Someone could walk past at any minute and spot this gorgeous doctor standing so close to me.

Who knows what they’ll think. Excitement races through my body.

“You know why, little gem.”

“Say it out loud.”

He smirks, leans closer, lips brushing my neck. We’re in dangerous territory. I know I should run.

“It’s because I want you,” he says softly in my ear. “It’s because I want to taste you again. I can’t get that pussy out of my mind.”

I bite my lip as he pulls away, looking at me like he wants to strip me down and eat me, piece by piece.

“Come on,” he says. “If you think you can handle it.”

I hesitate. He walks to the stairwell, pushes the door open.

He doesn’t look back as he steps forward. I look back down the hall, back toward the door slowly swinging closed, and I hurry after him, heart beating in my throat.6AidenI lead her up to the top floor of the hospital. She’s breathing heavily as we finally step onto the landing and push through the heavy door.

“We really could’ve taken the elevator,” she complains.

“Better if we walk,” I say.

“Why? That was like, eight floors or something like that.”

“Nine,” I correct her. “And climbing stairs is healthy. Exercise and all.”

“Oh, god. Spoken like a true doctor.”

“It’s a fact that exercise is the best medicine.”

“Whatever. I don’t need to exercise right now.”

I laugh softly at her. I love how she’s breathing deeply, her breasts heaving up and down as we walk slowly down the hall. It’s mostly empty up here, which is why I requested an office on the very top floor. Most people want it downstairs, but not me.

I like the exercise. I love the solitude.

“I just wanted to get you sweating,” I tell her with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes. “I bet you did.”

“Don’t believe me?”

“No, I believe you. It’s exactly the sort of asshole move you’d pull.”

I laugh and turn to her suddenly. She stumbles against me and I pull her tight. “You know, we’re pretty much alone up here,” I whispers to her. “You sure you want to keep calling me an asshole?”

“Absolutely. Asshole.” She’s grinning back at me. I grab her hips and kiss her, slow and deep. She kisses me back, tongue against mine, and I’m reminded why I shouldn’t be making this mistake.

My cock’s hard. My head’s swimming.

She really is a delicious fucking distraction.

I break away finally. “Come on,” I say, and lead the way again.

We pass a bunch of empty patient rooms and finally reach the end of the hall. My office is in the northwest corner of the building, right where I wanted it to be. Liza, the director of medicine, tries to get in my way whenever she can, but at least she gave me this office.

I unlock the door, another idiosyncrasy most doctors don’t have, and we step inside. I shut it behind us as Ruby looks around.

“Nice,” she says, grinning.

I look around at my office. I basically redid the entire place, with expensive wood paneling, built-in shelving, and a big mahogany desk. Cost a fucking fortune, but it’s been worth it.

“This is my little fortress,” I say.

“Fortress of solitude? Every jerk that has no friends makes that reference, you know.”

I grin at her and shrug. “Pretty much true, though.”

She goes over to the windows and looks out over the city. “Beautiful view.”

“I know. I love it.”

“How’d you end up in here?”

“I made some threats.”

She turns, raising an eyebrow. “Threats?”

“Pretty much.” I go over to my desk and sit down. It’s mostly empty, except for a couple patient files. Ruby shakes her head and starts to page through the books and files I have on the shelves.

“Anything interesting in here?” she asks. “It’s all medical textbooks.”

“I’m a doctor,” I remind her.

“Doctors read novels, right?”

“Not the trashy romance novels you read.”

She snorts. “Of course you’d look down on romance.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Every dude that thinks he’s the smartest man alive thinks romance is stupid.”