“Shit,” she moans, falling forward onto the desk, panting slowly. I laugh and slide my fingers from her, patting her ass gently.

“Good girl,” I say out loud. I sit down in my chair behind my desk and lick my fingers clean. I love the way she tastes.

She watches me do it, curiosity mingled with desire.

After a moment, she straightens herself, fixes her panties, and pulls her skirt down.

“Will there be anything else, sir?”

“Nothing for now, thank you,” I say.

She nods a little, performs another curtsy, and leaves. I watch her ass the whole time, barely able to control myself.

But I do control myself. I have to be able to control myself if I’m going to be able to control her. That’s how this works.

I give her pleasure, give her so much more than she ever imagined, and I keep control.7HazelI can’t stop thinking about his hands on my body.

I know it’s wrong. I shouldn’t have this weird, crazy, intense thing with my boss. But he’s such a strange and intense man, and so damn attractive, I just…

I can’t help myself. Not when he’s touching me like that. I want him to order me around, make me do things I’d never consider doing, because it feels so damn good.

I just keep feeling his fingers buried in my pussy, sliding in and out. I’ve never gotten off so easily just from a man’s fingers before, but he was so talented and knew exactly where to touch me, exactly how the fuck to rub me.

And there was the spanking. I’ve never been into that before, always thought it was a little weird, but he was right.

A little pain makes the pleasure that much better.

I sleep like a log that night, and I get up early to make it into the office on time. I report to my usual spot, a bag packed for the afternoon.

I bring a spare pair of panties, just in case.

I’m practically buzzing as I sit down in my usual spot, sipping on a coffee in a large travel mug. Rogers is posted behind a desk at the far end of the room, and he glances up as I arrive.

“Good morning,” he says to me.

I smile and nod. “Good morning, Rogers.”

The man watches me curiously for a moment. We spend a lot of time in this room together, but we barely ever talk. Mostly he just glares at me and tells me to hurry up when I have a little task to do for Mason. Mostly I just sit here and wait for my next command while Rogers does whatever he does at his computer.

He’s clearly very good at ignoring people. This morning, though, he looks at me like I’m some strange creature that he’s never noticed before.

“How would you say your time here has been so far, Hazel?” Rogers asks me.

I frown a little and shrug. “Great so far,” I say. “It’s an odd job and Mr. Ward can be intense, but it’s good overall.”

Rogers nods. “I admit that Mr. Ward is very strange and can be difficult sometimes, but you have to trust him. He knows what he’s doing.”

I nod and smile. “I’m just doing what I’m told.”

“Good, good.” He frowns a little bit and sighs. He rubs his eyes, a rare gesture of weakness from Rogers. Normally he’s upright and severe looking. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him yawn or even go use the bathroom, come to think of it.

“I’ll admit, Mr. Ward has been in a pleasant mood ever since you started. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

I blink at him. “Okay, sure. Of course. I’m just doing my job.”

“The others were just doing their jobs too, but he was never like this.” Rogers stands. “Keep it up.”

“Thank you.”

He shrugs and heads off to prepare Mason’s morning platter. I take it like usual and position myself in his office in the normal spot, waiting for him to arrive.

The tray isn’t so heavy, and plus, I can lean it against the window sill while I wait. I can hear him coming down the hallway, which gives me enough time to turn and get into the ready position. I actually kind of like this, standing here and staring out the window at the city, waiting for that man to come in.

Waiting for whatever new thing he’s going to make me do.

The thought of yesterday sends chills down my spine, my heart racing faster. I’m afraid I’m getting wet again and I take deep breaths to calm myself. I don’t want to have to change panties already. I only brought one backup pair.

After a few minutes, I hear him in the hall. He’s early today. I lift the tray and turn, casting my eyes down at the carpet as he steps into the office. He walks over to his desk and sits down. I can feel his eyes on me, and I get that thrill again.