“I think we can, Seb,” Rupert says. “In fact, I know he can. I helped write the charter, remember?” He gives me a little smile.

The room calms down as I hold up my hands again.

“I know this is strange. But I want you all to understand that I believe this is the only way to keep this company viable.” I hesitate then shake my head. “No, that’s not true. I think this is the only way to make this company competitive. I believe we can take on the world if we make this merger go through. Give me your faith. Give me your effort. We can make this happen.”

The room erupts into arguments again but I turn to Maggie. I nod at her and she stands. She takes my arm and together we leave the room. I can feel Seb’s eyes on our backs as we exit.

“Good speech,” she says.

“Thanks.” I kiss her cheek. “Think it’ll work though?”

“Maybe. But I’m thinking the document we emailed out this morning will be better.”

I nod once. We stayed up all night working on that, doing research, compiling figures. Her father even helped, offering as much of Bushings’ financial information as he possibly could. The document and presentation we came up with might be a little rushed, but it’s a good representation of what the merger might look like, and it’s real.

That’s the important thing. It’s real, it’s facts and figures and numbers. It’s not emotion, like Seb seems so intent on clinging to.

This is business. That’s all that matters. And I hope that the rest of the board will see that and agree.

I stop in the hall and kiss her. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. “I couldn’t have gotten this far without you. No matter what happens… Thanks.”

She just smiles and we walk out together, ready to face what comes next.21MaggieWe spend the rest of the day in and out of bed. I make a rule that we won’t discuss business, and we manage to make it all afternoon without talking about that meeting one single time.

It helps that we keep each other occupied. Sweaty, happy, and occupied.

The next morning, I get up early, go for a run, and take a shower. When I’m done, I find a missed call from an unknown number and a voicemail. I listen to the voicemail, frowning the whole time.

Maggie, this is Seb McKenzie. I want to speak with you in person. Please, come without Josh. Come to my office this morning. I’ll be in all day. I think we can make a deal together.

He hangs up without saying more.

I stare at my phone before walking into the hall. “Josh?” I call out.

But he doesn’t answer. I go looking for him, but he’s not around. I figure he’s out running some errand, and so I end up sitting down at the kitchen table, staring at my phone.

I don’t know what to do. McKenzie wants me to show up without Josh, which makes me very uncomfortable. But he mentioned making a deal.

If we can manage that, the merger is all set. McKenzie is the only thing that’s really standing between us and what we want in the end. If he comes over, we’ll get all his votes, and it’ll be done.

In the end, I decide to call Josh. I can’t show up without talking to him first no matter what, even if Seb wants me to come alone. He answers on the second ring. “Hey,” he says. “I’m just at the store. You want anything?”

“No, actually, we need to talk really quick. Is this an okay time?”

“Sure, let me go hide behind this bananas display. Nobody will hear me talking dirty to you back here.”

I smile a little. “It’s about Seb.”

He clears his throat. “What about him?”

“He called me this morning. He wants to meet with me. Says he wants to cut a deal directly with me.”

Josh is quiet for a long moment. I can hear the sounds of other shoppers around him in the background and an announcement goes over the loudspeakers, though it’s too muffled to make out.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t know why he’d want to see you.”

“I’m guessing he thinks you’re not rational enough to listen.”

He snorts. “Or he thinks he can manipulate you.”

“Maybe. But I feel like we should hear what he has to say. I mean, even if he does try to make me some offer, you know I won’t take it.”

“I know,” Josh says. “And he could reveal something.”

“I think I should go.”

“I’m worried,” he admits. “I don’t want to send you in there alone.”

“It’s not like he’s going to hurt me.”

“I know that, but I just…” He trails off. “I don’t want you to feel the pressure. You know what I mean?”

“I do,” I say. “But it’s okay. Come pick me up and drive me out to his office. Let’s see what this asshole has to say.”