I hear him pass through the living room and out the front door, out into the world.

I look at the necklace in its box. I pick it up, weighing it in my hands. It’s heavy, real, beautiful.

I grin to myself and go looking for a spot with good light to take some pictures.18JoshThe next afternoon, moments after I close the picture of Maggie wearing nothing but that necklace I bought her, Maeve comes into my office and sits down across from my desk. “We have to talk,” she says.

I sigh and lean back in my chair. “I’m guessing this isn’t going to be a fun conversation.”

She smiles a little. “Never is, hon.”

“What’s up?”

“You know Seb is spreading rumors about you,” she says. “He’s convincing the board to move against you.”

“I know all this,” I say.

She frowns a little, looking uncomfortable. “I heard a rumor today,” she says.

“Seb’s been spreading them. It’s probably not true.”

“No,” she says, shaking her head. “Not one of those. I’ve heard all those. This is something new.”

I hesitate. “Maeve. What’s going on?”

“The board is going to vote on the merger.”

I sit back and stare at her for a long moment before shaking my head. “How? There aren’t any official papers. There aren’t any terms to vote on.”

“I think they’re going to vote on the idea of a merger? I don’t know if they can even do that, but that’s the rumor.”


“Two weeks. Seb wants to get it done, apparently.”

I rub my temple then shake my head. “I don’t understand it. If he has the votes, why doesn’t he just make it happen tonight? Or tomorrow? Two weeks makes no sense.”

“It could be another fake rumor,” she admits. “But I’m not so sure. I got it from his secretary direct.”

I give her an appraising look. “Really?”

“Really. We’re close.” She grins. “We exchange tips from time to time, keep each other in the loop.”

“You didn’t tip her off about me, did you?”

“Oh, Josh, I would never.” She grins and shrugs. “Well, maybe a little bit.”

I groan. “Maeve.”

“He would’ve found out sooner or later. I just tipped him off a little bit before you did it yourself anyway. Made no difference and won us some good will, which might be paying off here.”

I nod and glance out the window, mind racing. “If he thinks he needs two weeks, that means he doesn’t think he has the votes right now. Which means…”

“You could force a vote yourself.”

I look at her. “That’s dangerous. If I’m wrong then the whole game is up.”

“But if you’re right…”

I chew on my cheek. “Do me a favor. Go call Maggie, have her come in and meet me. I need to talk this out with her.”

“Got it.” Maeve stands. “For what it’s worth, I trust my info. I think this is the real deal.”

“Thanks for bringing this to me.”

She nods and leaves my office. I sit there, staring out at the sky, trying to decide what to do moving forward.

I’ve already taken some risks, but this would be the biggest one yet. This could potentially win the game or lose it all. It’s not a decision I can make lightly or on my own. I need Maggie to weigh in here. I need her to give me her support.

Just like her aunt said, Maggie’s smart. She sees things others don’t, grasps details that slip past other people. I look down at my phone and pull up the pictures she sent me yesterday.

Goddamn, she’s beautiful. I could look at her for hours. That beautiful body, my necklace around her neck. I feel my heart pound, my cock stir. I have to put my phone away before I get too riled up. I need to have a clear head right now.

I get a text from her a few minutes later, saying she’s on her way. I text back and tell her to come right to my office. I sit back again, eyes shut, and I keep running through scenarios. I’m almost too distracted to hear it when Maeve lets Maggie in.

“Hey,” she says, sitting down in a chair as Maeve shuts the door.

I blink at her. “Hey,” I say. “Thanks for coming.”

“What’s up? Maeve sounded a little stressed on the phone. And you normally call yourself.”

“I know, sorry about that. I should’ve. I just…” I trail off.

“Josh. What’s going on?”

“Seb called for a vote in the board in two weeks,” I say, keeping my voice level.

Maggie looks surprised. “He did? Can he do that?”

“Any member can propose a vote on any issue,” I say. “So long as they give the board twenty-four hours to deliberate, there’s no problem.”

“Huh.” She leans back and crosses her legs. “Why two weeks, though?”

“That’s what Maeve said.” I smile a little.

“Might mean he doesn’t think he has the votes right now.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. She got there faster than I did. “That’s my thinking too.”