“And what about my dad?” I ask. “Does he have any other recourse?”

“Not that I know of. Maybe he can try and make a deal with Brothers Phones or VailCom, but I really doubt that would even help. We’re the last two with any chance at competing with the big guys, but if we don’t merge, we’re finished.”

I let that sink in. My father took over Bushings from his father forty years ago, back when it manufactured computer parts. He took it from a manufacturing company and turned it into a telecom. That company’s been a part of my life since the day I was born, and I always thought it would outlive him.

I can’t imagine what he’s feeling about this. Merging with another company must be so painful for him, but the idea of losing it must be even worse.

And then there’s me. I know he wouldn’t do this if he weren’t desperate. He’s never asked me for anything in my life. He’s only ever given, given me everything I’ve ever wanted and more.

“So we need to get married,” I say.

“That’s the gist of it. We get married and convince my board that we’re for real, then hopefully we can pull this merger off.”

“That’s a lot of uncertainty.” I frown. “What if we can’t do it?”

“I think we can.” He tilts his head and looks me over. “I’m pretty sure I can pretend to like you.”

I feel myself blush. I can’t believe it, but the way he looks at me actually makes me heart beat faster. “I’m not so sure I could do the same,” I say.

He laughs. “Let’s try. Come on, what do you have to lose?”

“I want something,” I say. “Something in return.”

He sips his whiskey and nods at me. “What?” he asks.

“I want… a stake. In the new company.”

“How much?”

“Ten percent.”

He snorts. “No, absolutely not. Try three percent.”

“I’ll take seven. And nothing less.” I move forward and put my shoes back on. He watches me, his eyes moving down my dress, lingering on my breasts, moving down my legs. I sit back up and let him stare at my body. I have to admit, he’s gorgeous and I like the attention.

“Seven percent,” he says, nodding. “Fine. We’ll do seven. But you’ll have to convince your father of that.”

“He’ll do it.” I stand up. “So what do we do now?”

He stands and finishes his drink. He walks over and plops it down on the middle of the desk. I wonder for a second who lives in this house. He turns back to me with a cocky smile and walks over. I take a step back but he slides one arm behind me, his hand on my lower back. His other comes up and his fingers slide into my hair.

“Now,” he says softly. “We have to get married.” He leans forward and kisses me.

I feel myself stiffen as his lips brush against mine. It’s soft, gentle, and I find myself drawn closer. I return the kiss before he pulls away. He laughs and releases me.

“Good start,” he says, walking past me and out into the hall.

I stand alone in a stranger’s office, staring at the floor, my body vibrating from that simple kiss.

I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. I just agreed to something insane, but I know I need to do whatever I can to help my father. Josh is handsome, gorgeous really, and I can tell he’s smart. It’s terrifying how much I want to be around him right now, but I can’t help myself.

That’s the worst part. I’m afraid I’m doing this for the wrong reasons.

But I’m getting a stake. That’s important. I have nothing else, no other plans, no real future. I have a Harvard degree, and that’s it.

After this marriage, after this merger, I’ll have a lot more.

I take a deep breath to steady myself then leave the room, looking for my dad.2Josh“Dearly beloved, we gather here today…”

I can barely hear the minister as he does his thing. I look out at the crowd of people, six faces in total, three of which I don’t even recognize. We’re in a small chapel in South Philly, and it’s my wedding day.

I’ve never been a marriage type of guy. I know, that’s cliché, but it’s true. Not that I’m against getting married. In fact, I’ve always wanted a wife to spend my life with.

I just never thought I’d find the right person.

I’ve dated. I’ve fucked around. I’ve gotten with my fair share of women and broken my fair share of hearts. But all through that searching, I’ve never once found a woman that I imagined I could spend the rest of my life with.

Now I’m marrying a total stranger.

Funny how life works sometimes.

I turn back to my bride. Maggie looks at me, her head tilted slightly to the side. She’s beautiful, I’ll give her that. Curly brown hair, big, wide green eyes, pouty lips, and a body that drives me wild. She’s gorgeous, but that’s not the only thing that draws me toward her.