There’s silence for a moment then my aunt appears. She’s wearing a simple pair of black slacks and a white button-down shirt that’s tucked in. She tilts her head and smiles at me.

“I’m glad you came,” she says.

“I’m glad you were willing to talk.”

“Please, come in.”

I step into her room. It’s a spacious living area, with a couple of couches, some chairs, a large new TV, and another hallway that likely leads back to the bedroom and bathroom. She offers me a cup of tea, which I accept. She pours two cups and sits down in a chair.

I take the chair opposite her and sip my tea.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” she asks.

I smile. “Well, I suppose it’s the same reason you’re in town right now.”

She laughs. “Yes, I suppose it would be.”

“Aunt Sylvia—” I start, but she stops me.

“Let me speak first for a moment, if you’ll allow it.”

I hesitate. I worked up this nerve and I want to spit it all out, but if she wants to speak first, I can’t say no.

“Thank you,” she says as I give her a little nod. “I just wanted to say that I know our families haven’t been very close over the years. I’m aware that it’s entirely my fault. I know having you over once a year isn’t exactly… well, it’s not familial. And for that, I apologize.”

I’m surprised. I look at her for a long moment before ducking my head. “It’s okay,” I say.

“No, darling. It isn’t. I’ve let the concerns of my immediate family trump everything else for a very long time, even to the detriment of my own children. I just want you to know that I’m aware of it, and I’d like to do better.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

She smiles and nods once. She’s so poised, her back so straight, and I almost want to get up and leave. I wish we could keep things right here, right in this moment, but I know that’s not why I came.

“Aunt Sylvia, we’re moving forward with the merger,” I say.

She doesn’t react. She sips her tea and smiles a little. “I assumed as much,” she says.

“Really?” I clear my throat. “I mean, I know it’s not what you want, but it’s important to both of us. We’re going to force the board to vote on it soon, and then this will all be over. You won’t have to worry about us embarrassing the family anymore.”

She gives me a long look and nods. “I appreciate that, dear. I really do.”

“It’s just—” I stop myself again. I can’t quite seem to get myself rolling around her. “Can I ask you something, Aunt Sylvia?”

“Of course, dear. Go ahead.”

“You’re familiar with the situation and all the people involved. Do you think we have a chance at this?”

She laughs, her voice light. “Oh, I think I’d push back harder if I thought you were going to fail,” she says.

That surprises me. I sit back in my chair and look at her. “Really?” I ask.

“Of course. It’s not just the two of you going through the motions of convincing the board to vote in your favor. It’s also the failure that will reflect poorly.”

“But I don’t understand that,” I say. “What does it matter?”

“Lofthouses don’t fail.” She stares hard at me. “I know you aren’t a Lofthouse. But you are my blood, my niece. You carry my maiden name, and my reputation is tightly woven with the Lofthouse name.”

“So in the end, it’s about you.” The words tumble from my lips, and as soon as I say it out loud, I’m horrified.

But she just smiles. “I suppose.”

“It’s all about you and your family. What anyone else wants is never a consideration. I’m sorry, Aunt Sylvia. I’d do this whether you wanted me to or not. Because it’s my life and my choice.”

“Good for you then,” she says and smiles. “I was never really going to force you to stop, truth be told.”

“But… you came over. You threatened.”

She shrugs. “That’s usually enough. I wouldn’t actually go against my own niece. I suppose I could have taken a different tack and decided to help inside, but…” She trails off. “Listen, darling. You’re young, you have a lot ahead of you. This Josh man, he seems smart, he seems capable. Keep him around if he furthers your goals, but always remember, what you want is worth fighting for.” She smiles and leans toward me. “That’s what I’ve always done.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You really do whatever you want, don’t you?”

“I do,” she says and shrugs. “Always been a fault of mine, I suppose. Don’t tell my children though, they won’t believe you.”

“I’ll try to be more like you then.” I stand up. “Thank you for meeting with me, Aunt Sylvia.”

“Of course. Good luck with the vote. I’m heading back to the manor in the morning.”