“I don’t blame you.”

“But I had fun tonight. And I felt…” I trailed off.

“You looked perfect,” he said.

“I felt beautiful.”

“You should have.” He squeezed my hands. “That’s what I wanted for you.”

We sat in silence for a long moment. He closed his eyes and seemed to relax as my fingers pressed against the muscles on his chest. I kissed his cheek and he let out a low grunt.



“What happened? After I left.”

He didn’t open his eyes. “You don’t want to know.”

“Yes, I do. I think… I think if I’m going to stay here, I have to know what I’m involved with.”

He let out a breath. “Killed the other two,” he said. “Threw all three into the river. Cops showed up, saw the blood, but had no bodies and no witnesses were talking. We’ll straighten that out. I bet the family’s lawyers are already descending.”

I dug my fingers into his chest. “You killed them?”

“Had to. Couldn’t let what they did stand. Just doesn’t work that way.”

I nodded once, biting back tears. I knew he was right, but it was horrible all the same.

“Yeah. Okay. Sure.”

He turned his head and looked into my eyes. “If you want to leave, I’ll give you money. I’ll have one of my guys drive you as far as you want, or we can book you on the first flight out. I can even get you fake documents if you want, send you abroad. You can start over, Aida.”

I leaned back, pulling my hands away. He didn’t move, just looked at me. I thought about that for a long moment and pictured what it would be like to have a new life. I could be whoever I wanted, choose my own name, make up my own backstory. I could be an entirely different person.

But I knew life didn’t work that way. No matter what, I’d be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life, wondering when Vlas would catch up with me, just to prove he could. I’d be living in fear, away from the city I knew and loved, away from the place I was meant to be.

“No,” I said. “That’s okay.”

“Think about it.” He looked back at the water.

I stood up and walked over to the clothes he’d thrown on the floor. I bent over, picked them up, and straightened them out. “I’ll have these dry cleaned,” I said.

“Thank you.”

I nodded, lingered at the door. His eyes flicked to mine, and he looked so tired. “Don’t fall asleep in there.”

“I won’t. Not sure I’ll sleep much tonight. But you should.”

“Yeah. I’ll try.”

He nodded then a smile slipped across his lips. “Little Aida. If you stay, I’m going to make you my wife. I hope you believe me by now.”

“I do,” I whispered.

“Good. Go sleep in your own bed tonight. You might as well enjoy a few nights to yourself. Soon, I’m going to keep you in mine.”

I stared at him, my pulse racing fast. He smirked and leaned his head back, and I saw the cocky, arrogant, powerful man return to him.

“Good night, Dante.”

“Good night, Aida.”

I left the bathroom and moved through his room. I glanced back once to find his head still resting back against the tub, the water trickling in around him. He looked beautiful, his shoulders and arms ripped, his face handsome and defined.

I turned and walked through the quiet house to my room and locked the door behind me.19DanteI woke up early the next morning, my body aching all over. I could feel the stitches burning in my side and I felt like I got hit by a fucking truck. I managed to roll over and sit on the edge of my bed for a long moment, staring down at the floor.

I brought Aida into danger. I did something stupid and selfish, all because I wanted to show her a good time. I wanted to reward her for being good. I wanted to get her a beautiful dress, dance with her, let her know that life with me wouldn’t just be hiding out in a fucking house in the suburbs.

Instead, we nearly got killed. If those guys had been professionals or members of Vlas’s crew, they would’ve done the job. I got lucky, all because Vlas had to use some nobodies. That was the only way they’d get into my club, the only way they’d get close.

I grunted and got up. I brushed my teeth, showered, pulled on some sweats and a gray t-shirt. I was exhausted from dragging those bodies off and throwing them into the river, and all I wanted to do was sleep.

But I had work. I couldn’t disappear for a full day without problems, not when we were in the middle of a war.

I walked down the steps and hesitated as I moved down the hall. Aida’s door was still shut. I pressed my ear against it and felt the cool wood against the side of my face. I couldn’t hear anything, and I slowly turned the knob. It was unlocked and turned easily.