“Let me explain what you did,” he said, his voice low. “You interrupted a deal with a large, powerful cartel. You killed men during that deal. You offered them a new deal, one with far-reaching consequences. You pissed them off, and beyond that, you murdered a lot of men. You threatened an entire city, Dante, all because you couldn’t stand to lose.”

“You’re damn right I can’t,” I growled at the Don. I saw Tad, Dino, and Roberto all shift toward me, Roberto reaching for something under his jacket, but the Don held up a hand to stop them without looking. “I wasn’t about to let Vlas keep trying to kill me without some revenge. I wasn’t going to let him take Aida from me and use her against the family. I will do anything for this family, Don Leone. I will gladly die if you tell me to, and you know that. I’ll burn this city down, if that’s what you ask. But I will not lose. I can’t stand for it.”

Don Leone looked at me for a long moment. I could see a hint of surprise in his eyes as he sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Dante, Dante, Dante. You truly can’t control your temper, can you?”

I sat back, seething. “I feel strongly about this, Don Leone.”

“I know you do.” He smiled again and looked over his shoulder. “You can relax, Roberto. Nobody’s getting hurt today.”

Roberto shrugged and pulled his hand from his jacket. I felt a strange wave of relief rush over me. I was sure the Don was going to order my execution today, and suddenly I felt like I was getting a second chance at life.

“Thank you, Don.”

“But you are not in my good graces,” Don Leone said. “I am going to allow you to live, for now, because you truly are one of my most effective Capos. Your territory brings in twice as much money as any other, and you manage to do that while competing with Vlas all the time. It’s impressive, young Dante. But you’re impulsive and prone to making violent decisions without consulting me, which I cannot have. Do you understand me? You cannot go off without consulting me again, or there will be repercussions. Effective as you are, even a good god has to be put down if he endangers the family.”

I bowed my head toward him. “Thank you, Don. I won’t let you down.”

“Good. I know you mean well, Dante. I truly do. I know you’re loyal. But you need to learn restraint, young man. You did something too public, too dangerous today. In the future, have your lieutenant come speak with mine before you do something so visible.”

“I will, Don.”

“Good.” Don Leone pushed his chair back and got to his feet. He used the cane and leaned on it like he was tired. “Now, I have to deal with your fallout. I have the Jalisco to handle and Maksim is threatening open war now. Not to mention the police I’m going to have to bribe to ignore all those dead bodies.”

“I appreciate your position, Don.” I stood up and Aida joined me. I bowed slightly toward him. “If I can assist, please tell me.”

“You’ll pay me twice your normal tribute rate,” he said. “Send the money as soon as you can. And make sure it comes from your own pockets, Dante. Don’t make your soldiers pay for your mistakes.” The Don limped toward the hallway, and his three bodyguards followed without looking over at me.

I followed him to the entry and stood near the stairs. Aida lingered in the kitchen, watching down the hall.

Roberto opened the door for the Don and he paused before he left. He turned to me and stared into my eyes. I got another glimpse of that killer hiding deep inside the seemingly harmless old man, and it made my spine shiver.

“Think before you act again, Dante.” He smiled then and inclined his head toward me. “And well done killing so many of those Commie fucks. Nothing better than Russian blood on the soil.”

I grinned at him. “Thank you, sir.”

“Do something so stupid again, and it’ll be your blood mixing with theirs.” He turned and walked outside. Roberto shot me a look then followed his master, the two other bodyguards bringing up the rear. I watched them go down the steps then pile into a black sedan before I shut the door and locked it.

I turned to Aida and she came a few steps closer. “That was… intense.”

“I think we just got lucky,” I said.

“He seems so nice.” She bit her lip and put her hand flat against the wall, leaning up against it for support. “But then his mask dropped a little and I saw…”

“You saw the real Don,” I said. “A man like him doesn’t become Don without being a killer. And Don Leone is as bloody as they get.”