“Nothing,” Steven said. “Far as I can tell, everything’s still on.”

“Good.” I leaned my head back on the seat. “Things look solid around here. I think it’s time we took it to Vlas again.”

“Already?” Steven frowned.

“Can’t let that fucker get himself settled. He thinks he got one over on me.”

“Dante, you broke into his club, knocked his people around, and terrorized his girls.”

“But he wasn’t there,” I growled. “And he left that fucking picture. He thinks he got one on me, and it’s time to let him know why he’s been afraid of me since we were kids.”

Steven sighed, but didn’t argue, and I stared out the window as we weaved through the streets and out to the suburbs again. He dropped me off out in front of my house, I grabbed the box from the back seat, and lingered by the curb. “Send one of the guys with a car,” I said. “And have him drop it off. I’ve got shit to do tonight.”

Steven stared at me. “Shit to do? Like what?”

“Taking Aida out.”

“That’s a dumb fucking idea.” He sighed and rubbed his temples.

“It’s fine. I’m going to Fifty Stories. Our club, right in our territory. It’ll be safe.”

“Doesn’t matter if you’re going to the Don’s fucking living room. Vlas can send guys anywhere, even if it’s in our territory.”

“I’m going,” I growled. “Not letting this shit hold me back.”

“Fine. Do what you got to do. But I’ll bring some boys and hang around.”

“I don’t need guards.”

“You do, Dante.” Steven gave me a look. “You’re tough. But you’re not invincible.”

I stood on the sidewalk with the long fancy red box under my arm. I clenched my jaw, but finally nodded. “Fine. But be discreet. She doesn’t need to know.”

“All right.” Steven hesitated and probably wanted to tell me that Aida was a distraction I couldn’t afford, so I turned and didn’t give him the chance. I headed up the steps and in through the front door. I heard Steven pull away as I shut the door behind me.

I lingered for a moment in the entry hall, looking down toward the living room and the kitchen. I heard footsteps and Gino appeared in front of me, a frown on his face, his hand on a gun tucked into his waistband. He relaxed a fraction of an inch.

“Boss,” he said.

“Go home,” I grunted. “You’re done for the night.”

Gino hesitated before nodding. He grabbed his things from the kitchen table then slipped past me and stepped out the door.

My eyes moved up toward the staircase and found Aida standing at the top of it. She wore a gray NASA t-shirt and jean shorts. She tilted her head to one side and frowned a little.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I say, taking a step toward the stairs.

“You look pissed.”

I opened my mouth then shut it again. “Nah,” I said. “I’m fine.” I forced a smile on my lips and the negative thoughts from my mind. “I got something for you.”


I started up the steps toward her and she backed away. I reached the top then moved past her. She flattened against the wall, her eyes locked on me the whole way, as I began to head up the next flight to my room. “Come on,” I said.

She followed without a word. I moved in through the white painted wood door and put the box down on top of my comforter. She hesitated at the foot of the bed as I stepped away and gestured at the box.

“Open it.”

She paused for a moment, her hands fluttering over the top of it like nervous birds. The box was dark red, unmarked, with a blue satin bow holding it together. She pulled the bow, untied it, and slipped the top open.

She sucked in a breath as she took out the dress. She held it up and stared for a long moment.

“What is this?”

“Givenchy.” I tilted my head. “It’ll fit.”

“No, I mean. For what?”

I smirked and stepped closer to her. I tilted her chin toward me but didn’t kiss her lips, despite how tempting they looked. “We’re going out.”

“Going out?”

“That’s right. You dance, don’t you?”

“I mean, sure. But isn’t that… dangerous?”

I laughed and shook my head. “Not for me. Now put that on.”

She pulled away and I let her go. She looked at the dress and shook her head. “I can’t go out in this. I don’t have… I don’t have any shoes or anything that’ll match. It’s way too much.”

“Do your best,” I said. “Now take my gift and put it on.”

She looked at me for a long moment then laid the dress out flat on my bed. She pulled her shirt off, unbuttoned her jean shorts, and slid them down her body. She stared at the dress for a moment before shaking her head. “I can’t wear a bra with this,” she said.