“Fuck, Roger,” I said. “You know how badly you messed up, right? You understand what you did?”

“I didn’t mean—”

I cut him off. “You didn’t mean to,” I mocked. “But you fucking did. You know how tense things have been with the Russians these last couple of years, and then you have to go and hit one of their top Capo’s strip joint. Do you have any clue how much shit I’m getting for that?”

“I didn’t… oh, fuck. But wait. Just take my gift, okay?” His eyes were pleading now, and I could tell he was on the verge of wetting himself.

I sighed, and shook my head. “I’m not interested.”

He turned, ignoring me. “Aida!” he shouted. “Aida, come out!”

I was about to tell him to shut the fuck up when the back door of his car opened and a girl stepped out.

She was hard to see at first. She wasn’t quite in the light yet, but I caught a glimpse of thick, dark hair, milky skin, a curvy body. I hesitated, a little surprised, as she walked toward the group and came into the light.

Aida was beautiful. She had thick, pink lips, and wide green eyes. Her eyebrows were heavy and dark but well-manicured, and her thick dark hair fell down around her shoulders. She wore a low-cut black tank top and tight jeans, and although she had an angry scowl on her face, she was unmistakably gorgeous. I looked from Roger to the girl and back again, trying to understand what the fuck was happening.

“This is Aida,” Roger said, turning back to me. “This is my daughter.”

I stared for a long moment. Then a laugh broke from my lips.

I couldn’t help myself.

Roger the junky thief, the loser, the pathetic asshole, had a daughter. And not just any daughter, but a beautiful one at that. She glared even harder and crossed her arms under her full breasts, and I couldn’t help but stare at them. She looked away from me, anger flashing in her eyes, as Roger walked over to her.

“This is my daughter,” he said again. “She’s a pretty girl, right? Listen, Dante. I know how bad I fucked up. So I want you to have her. I want her to marry you, I mean, you can marry her if you want to. I just mean, I want you to have her, is all.”

I stood there, absolutely fucking shocked. I looked at Steven, who seemed utterly appalled. His face was screwed up into a frown and his head was cocked to the side. Gino was trying not to laugh though, and he had to look away.

“This is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard,” I said, shaking my head in utter surprise. “I’ve been offered some shit in the past, Roger. But never someone’s own daughter.”

“I told you this was stupid,” the girl hissed. “I don’t even want to be here.”

“Shut up,” Roger snapped at her then looked at me. “I know you guys are involved in girls. Maybe you can… you can use her there.”

I cocked my head to the side. “You want me to make your own daughter a hooker?” I looked at her, top to bottom, and shrugged. “She’s definitely beautiful enough. What do you think, Aida? You want to work for me, pay off your father’s debt?”

“I’d rather you put a bullet in both our heads,” she said, meeting my gaze.

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Damn,” Gino said, grinning. “That’s some cold shit right there. That girl has stones.”

“Ignore her,” Roger said. “Shut up, Aida. Shut the hell up.” He was sweating, visible even in the rain. “She’ll work for you, she’ll be your wife, shit, she’ll clean your house. Whatever you need, Dante, you can have. Please, she’s the only good thing in my life, and I’m giving her to you as penance.”

I nodded my head slowly and looked back at the girl. She glared right back, not looking away, and I found it oddly exciting. Most women knew me, and most of them either tried to fuck their way into my wallet, or ran in the opposite direction. The smart ones ran, the stupid ones fucked me, and the rest were too afraid to make a move either way.

This girl though, she was interesting. Beautiful and the daughter of a notorious scumbag. I don’t know how I didn’t know about her, considering I knew everyone in the city. I stepped toward her and she didn’t move away, although her father took a big step back, leaving her there alone in the light of my SUV. She stared at me, a mix of defiance and anger in her expression. I stopped a foot away from her and looked down at her body as she glared back up at me.

“What do you think?” I asked her softly. “You want to come back with me? Be my wife?”