“Vlas sent me a message this morning,” he said.

“Is everyone okay?”

He nodded. “He wants a meeting. But there’s a problem.”

“What is it?”

“He wants you to come.”

I leaned back against the wall like I’d been shoved. I stared at him and he didn’t draw back or pull his gaze. I could see that he hated saying the words out loud, could see the disgust on his lips. He almost sneered at me, like he was sickened by the whole thing, and I couldn’t blame him. Vlas was playing mind games, just wanted to fuck with Dante, that much was obvious.

“Why?” I asked.

“You know why. Says it’s because you owe him a debt after what your father did, but it’s really just to throw me off balance.”

I tilted my head to one side and pulled up my towel. “He’s fucking with you.”

“Right.” He pressed a palm against the wall and leaned toward it for a moment. “Bastard must’ve realized you meant something to me when his guys saw me cover you during their little ambush.”

“Which is a bad thing for me.”

He laughed. “It’s a bad thing for us all, little Aida, but yes. It’s particularly bad for you.” He stood up straight again and crossed his arms over his chest.

“What are you going to do?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have a choice in this instance. The Leone Family underboss ordered me to take the meeting, which means I can’t refuse.”

“Underboss?” I frowned a little.

“Second-in-command. You don’t need to know more than that. But suffice to say, his word is as good as the Don’s, and so I have to obey orders.”

“Which means I have to obey as well.”

That seemed to get to him. His eyes flashed as he glared at me and shook his head slowly again. “You don’t have to do anything, little Aida. I won’t force you into it.”

“So what am I supposed to do? Stay here alone, while you go get yourself killed?”

“Vlas already tried that once. He’s not stupid enough to try again.”

“Of course he’s going to try again,” I protested, stepping closer. “He’s going to come at you harder next time, Dante. You’re injured now and he knows it.”

Dante smirked at me. “I’m not so bad. And now I’ll have my muscle with me at all times. Besides, I seem to recall two dead Russians back in the street.”

“Still.” I shook my head and held out my hands in a placating gesture. “You can’t just… run off like that. You need me to come with you.”

He smirked and tilted his head. I stared at him and felt my towel begin to slip. I grabbed it with my left hand, blushing a little, and felt my breasts press together, a little slip of cleavage showing from beneath the fabric.

He stepped forward again. “I don’t need anything,” he growled. “I don’t give a fuck what Vlas wants. But I have my orders, and if you’re willing to come, I won’t stop you.”

“I’m not going to let you go alone,” I said, feeling stupid but unable to help myself. I blushed as his eyes stared at my body.

His eyes flashed at me. “You really want that?” he growled.

“If it means ending this war and moving on with my life, yes, I really mean it.”

He shook his head. “I can’t promise this meeting will amount to anything.”

“Is there a chance?”

He hesitated. “There’s always a chance.”

“Then I’ll do it.” I stared at him. “For you but also for me. If this little war can end right here, I’ll take the chance.”

He was silent for a long moment, staring at my body. I felt the hard wood beneath my feet and I felt water drip from my soaked hair down onto the floor. The hallway seemed to contract, and light from downstairs played on the white walls in strange patterns.

“Prove you can handle it,” he said finally, his voice low.


“Take off that towel.” He moved closer again, but I didn’t back away.

“What will that prove?”

“That you’re brave. That you’re willing to do exactly what I ask of you.”

“I don’t see how that matters.”

He smirked. “Of course you don’t. But if we’re going to do this, you’re going to have to listen to everything I say. If I tell you to run, you need to run. If I tell you to duck, you better get down the instant the words leave my mouth. Prove that you can obey commands, Aida. Then I’ll let you come with me.”

I clenched my jaw, bit down tight, and didn’t move. He watched me, the hallway still, the only sound coming from the shower still dripping water down onto the metal drain.

Slowly, I reached up to the top of the towel, and unwound it. I let it fall open and drop to the floor, exposing my body to him. I stood there, my skin still damp, as gooseflesh broke out all around my skin. My nipples were hard as his eyes stared at me, moving from my toes, up along my legs, lingering on my pussy before taking in my firm breasts. He finished by looking into my eyes and stepping closer again. I backed away that time, and ran into the wall.