“Sounds fragile.”

“In some ways, it is, but it also makes us strong. Even if one crew falls, there are ten more to take its place. In that way, we’re pretty difficult to pin down, you know?”

She shrugged. “You’re still a bunch of mafia assholes whether you act like a mafia family or not.”

“You’re a little biased.”

“I have reason to be.” She looked back at the clothes, reached for another box, then stopped herself. “Why should I take any of this stuff?”

“Because you like it and I like that you like it.”

“That’s not a good reason.”

“Sure it is.”

“I’ll owe you, and I don’t want to owe you anything. I want to get through this and move on with my life once it’s over.”

I took a deep breath and tried not to let myself lose my temper. She was pushing me and she knew it—and I had a feeling she did it on purpose.

“Look, whether we like each other or not, it doesn’t matter. We’re still stuck together for a while, so we might as well try to make the best of it, yeah? Let this be my wedding present to you.”

I saw her expression soften. She looked back at the boxes on the floor then at the boxes piled up in the closet. They were all designer brands, expensive brands, and she’d probably scream if she knew exactly how much I spent on her.

But she shook her head and stood up. “No, I can’t take it.”


“No.” She walked toward the steps. “Maybe you’re really trying to be nice here, but I can’t.”

I watched her walk upstairs and slowly shook my head.* * *I let another day pass.

She didn’t want to take my peace offering— that was fine. I couldn’t really blame her. From her perspective, I was another mafia asshole trying to bribe her with presents and money. Which I guess could’ve been worse, but hey, she had her morals.

So I returned all that shit. My shopper lady wasn’t happy about it—until I told her I had a different plan in mind and gave her an even bigger budget. Then she shut up since she was too busy calculating her commission.

That night I sat on the couch and watched football. I should’ve been out doing rounds on my turf but I decided my pretty new wife was more important. I had my legs kicked out and my feet on the coffee table when she came downstairs hunting for something to eat for dinner.

I let her get halfway to the kitchen before I spoke up.

“I got you another present.”

She stopped and slowly turned to face me. She wore exercise gear, tight yoga pants and a tank top, and she had a sheen of sweat on her forehead. I guessed she was upstairs doing some kind of workout.

“What did you say?”

“I got you another present.”

“I thought we agreed we’re not doing that.”

I shrugged, turned off the game, and stood. “You said you didn’t want what I got you, so fine, I returned it all.”

She chewed her lip. “All of it?”

I grinned at her. “Don’t be greedy.”

“Whatever. I don’t want anything from you, okay?”

“Just look in the closet.”

She took a sharp breath and rubbed at her temples. “Are you going to leave me alone if I say no?”

“Absolutely not.”

She let out the breath and marched over to the closet. I moved closer and watched as she pulled it open—

And a mountain of Victoria’s Secret boxes and bags tumbled out.

She stared at it all. Panties, nighties, lingerie—even a few sweatpants and workout stuff—fell out on top of her and all over the floor. She took a few seconds to stare at the pile before turning to me.

“What the hell?”

“You didn’t want clothes, so I got you something I’d enjoy instead.”

“You fucking… you asshole.” She kicked a box and sent it spinning toward me.

I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. Her cheeks turned bright red as she looked down at a pair of lacy black panties that had fallen onto her foot. She kicked them off and balled her hands into fists as her jaw clenched. I thought she might come at me and try to hit me again, but instead she shook her head.

“You’re a dick. You know that, right? This isn’t funny.”

“Oh, I think it’s really funny, but it’s not a joke.”

“I’m not taking this stuff.”

“Come on, little Cora. You’re my wife now. I thought you’d want to make me happy.”

“Oh my god.” She turned away.

“You don’t have to wear it all, but there are some sexy pieces in there. I’d love it if you could try some at least.”

“Get the hell out of here.”

She stormed into the kitchen and I followed. I leaned up against the entrance wall and watched her stand in front of the refrigerator for a few breaths.

“Look, I get it, you hate me. You think I’m some scumbag asshole and you’re only doing this for, what, money? But the thing of it is, wifey, you’re stuck with me for a while. You might as well suck it up and play the game.”