I turned, went back up, grabbed Cora’s hand, and pulled her down behind me. As I reached the bottom and started running for the back door, guards appeared in the far entrance. They fired at us, the bullets ricocheting off the stainless steel appliances and racks. I shoved Cora toward the door as I returned fire, missing them but buying her time. Once she was out, I fired off the rest of my magazine wildly before tossing the gun and sprinting after her.

I made it out onto the street. She looked around wildly, eyes wide with fear and confusion. “This way,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her along behind me. Kitchen workers milled around the street and I recognized the guy I’d roughed up. He stared at me, terror in his expression, and he started to back away as I winked at him.

We reached the intersection and I stopped, looking around wildly. “They’re supposed to be here,” I said through a clenched jaw. I heard shouting behind us, and I knew the guards were coming.

Just then a car came screaming down the street. I recognized Aldrik behind the wheel looking elated and giddy. The car slammed to a stop in front of us and I shoved Cora in the back seat as I pulled my gun from my waistband and fired off a few shots at the guards that spilled out the back door. They scattered and I jumped in the car after her, slamming the door. Aldrik hit the gas and the car shot forward, swung around the corner, and headed north away from the mansion.

I sat there, breathing hard, then let out a wild laugh of exultation. Cora stared at me, then joined in my laughter. I pulled her into my lap and kissed her, holding her tight against me, feeling her body. She had on some huge sweatshirt and jeans that didn’t fit, but I didn’t care—she looked gorgeous, felt perfect, and I had my wife back.

“I hate to interrupt a very lovely moment, boss, but where are we going?” Enrico asked.

Cora blushed a little and shimmied off my lap. She sat on the seat next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. Aldrik slowed the car down and fell into a normal driving pattern.

“I have a safehouse in West Philly next to an old frat house.”

“Frat house?” Enrico laughed. “Of course you do.”

I gave Aldrik the address then squeezed Cora’s hand. She looked up at me and smiled, and despite the black eye, she looked perfect.

I kissed her and leaned forward to whisper into her ear: “I’m glad you came with me.”

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now,” she whispered back and touched my face.

I held her hand as Aldrik drove, and though I knew I needed to plan our next move—for the time being, I enjoyed being close to her again, enjoyed the elation of survival, the rush of a fight, and the heat of her skin.24CoraAldrik parked out front of an old Victorian row home. Young men stood on the neighboring stoop drinking from paper bags and dressed in khaki cargo shorts and long-sleeve polos, and they nodded at Reid as he stepped out of the car.

He turned as Enrico rolled down the window. “What should we do, boss?” he asked.

“Head to ground,” Reid said. “I’m not sure who they’ll come after but it’s better if you’re not around.”

Enrico grunted and nodded. They shared a long look that I couldn’t quite read—but I got the sense that Reid hadn’t expected Enrico to follow through with this. Honestly, it surprised me to see him in that car. I always got the feeling that Enrico was in it for the money and wasn’t exactly loyal to Reid in particular, but there he was.

“Send word when it’s safe.”

Reid nodded. “Will do. And thanks for stepping up.”

“No problem.” Enrico smiled a little. “It was kind of fun.”

“Kind of fun?” Aldrik roared, laughing a deep belly grumble. “You should’ve seen the house! We blew a fuckin’ hole in it!”

Reid grinned at him and patted the top of the car. “Better get moving. I’ll see you two soon.”

Enrico rolled the window up and the car pulled off. Reid stood and watched them go before turning back to me. I felt the frat boys staring at us curiously, but I tried to pretend like they weren’t there as Reid stepped up and took me into his arms. I tilted my chin toward him and accepted a gentle kiss on the lips—and the frat boys all cheered.

Reid flipped them off, took my hand, and led me up the steps to the front porch. The floorboards creaked and the door looked like it was going to rot off the hinges, and one of the frat boys jogged over, a young-looking kid with a mop of brown hair and pink cheeks. He tossed a key to Reid and crossed his arms.