“Last night wasn’t enough.”

I saw a couple angry expressions. Rolan looked unhappy, and the twins seemed like they were personally offended. Owain held up his hands before everyone could start talking at once and kept the peace while I continued.

“Last night was a start, but if we keep going this way it’ll only drag on for a long time.” I took a breath and met their gaze with as much confidence as I could muster. I thought about Owain’s hands on my body, his lips close to mine, and pushed forward. “I want to do something drastic. The Jackals know about me and they know I’m directly involved in the pill business. I think they’ll come after me if I put myself out there.”

Owain stared at me with a hint of anger and betrayal. I tried not to look at him because I knew it might change my mind.

But the fact was, I was the perfect bait. The Jackals knew me and they thought I was weak. They’d want to hurt me after what happened last night, after their clubhouse was burned to the ground. If I put myself out there in a position of weakness, I didn’t think they could resist.

“So you want to be bait?” Martin was the one that spike up first, which surprised me. He didn’t come to the raid the night before.

“That’s the idea, broadly speaking. I think they’ll see me as the weak link here and take any opportunity. I want to lure Clifton out and take him down, chop the head off the snake, and I’m willing to risk myself to make it happen.”

“No,” Owain said. “We’re not using you as bait again.”

“It’s my idea this time.”

“I don’t care. I said no.”

“If she wants to do it, she has a right,” Martin said, his expression studiously blank.

Owain’s nostrils flared as he turned to the older man. “Watch what you say,” he rumbled. “I don’t have a lot of patience for you right now.”

“And I don’t have a lot of patience for a protracted war. If she thinks she can take Clifton out in one attack, we need to consider it.”

“He’s right,” Rolan said. “I think she has a good idea here.”

“Of course you do. None of you give a shit whether she lives or dies.” Owain’s hands clenched into fists.

“Maybe you’re too close to the girl,” Viktor said.

“Mother fucker,” Owain started, and took a step forward, but I put a hand on his chest.

He seethed for a moment, staring at them, before turning to me.

“Just think about it,” I said before he could argue. “Clifton’s going to want to project strength after what happened, right? What better way than to kill me himself? My plan’s simple. We’ll leak that there’s a new pill delivery coming, and I’m the one picking it up. I’ll take a van down somewhere safe with all you guys around and basically wait for the Jackals to attack. Once they come for me, you all show up and murder the crap out of them.”

Rolan laughed. “Murder the crap out of them. That’s putting it nicely.”

“You’d be in too much danger,” Owain said. “No way we can do it.”

“We’ll find a spot that’ll work. I trust you guys.”

Martin snorted. “Lord knows why.”

“She means she trusts me.” Owain glared at him again then shut his eyes and took a breath. I could tell he was struggling to keep it together, which surprised me

I knew he wouldn’t like this plan. It really was a big risk for me, but he put me in harm’s way once before and I thought he could do it again.

Things changed since then. Whatever bond we had grew deeper, and now that bond was holding him back from making the decision that was best for the full crew. I could see it clear as day—Rolan was right, Owain cared about me too much.

If he couldn’t make the decision then I’d make it for him.

I looked out at the group. “All those in favor of this plan, raise your hand.”

Hands went up instantly. Owain turned and glared at the group, but it was too late. He was the only person that didn’t vote yes right away.

“Fuckers,” he growled. “We’re not doing this. I’m in charge of this crew, and I’m telling you all—”

I put a hand on his arm. “Owain. We’re doing it.”

He turned and looked at me, and I could see the pain in his eyes. I was betraying him in a way by taking away some of his power in front of his men. His jaw worked and his muscled bulged, but eventually he hung his head and raised a hand.

The room was deadly silent and thick with unspoken tension.

“All right,” he said and looked up again. “You all want this? Then we’ll do it. But if the girl dies, I can promise that each and every one of you will die with her.”