“I can keep you to myself, though,” he said. “Every inch of you, all mine.”

“How shocking. A mobster that doesn’t like to share.”

He chuckled again and kissed my lips gently. He lingered there like he wanted to breathe me in and taste me, and I loved when he did that—it always made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the room, like no matter how much he’s around me, he just can’t get enough.

“What can I say, I’m a cliché. And yet you love it.”

“I’m starting to get used to it at least.”

He kissed me again then gripped my ass. I grinned and kissed his neck, but before things could go any further, he pulled me back down from the counter and stepped a few feet away.

“I came here for a reason, and unfortunately fooling around with you isn’t it.”

“Maybe you could change your mind and come into the back with me? I can put up a closed sign.”

“Tempting.” He took a deep breath then met my eye. “I’m going on a hit tonight and I want you to come with me.”

I frowned, taken aback. “You want me on a hit?”

“I want you in the car, at least. Nowhere near danger.”


He paced across the room toward the door, looked outside, and paced back. I could tell something was bothering him, but I knew better than to push. He’d spill it eventually, all I had to do was be patient.

Which surprised me. I was learning about him, how he functioned, without realizing it.

“I’m afraid they’re coming after you. Clifton knows you’re important to me, and I think you’re going to become his primary target.”

“You don’t want to leave me alone.”

“Exactly. I’m bringing all my guys except Martin on this one, and I can’t leave only one old man behind to guard you. So I need you with me, as close as you can be.”

I pulled at my hair, tugging it straight then letting it go. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Like I said, you’ll stay in the car, away from the danger. But I need you there. I need to know you’re safe.”

I nodded slowly. “If that’s what you need, then okay. I’ll come with you.”

“Good.” The relief on his face was surprising.

“What if I had said no?”

“Then I would’ve figured out some way to convince you.”

“And if you couldn’t?”

He tilted his head slightly. “I won’t force you into anything, my little diamond. We’re beyond that now. Partners, remember?”

“Right.” I released my hair and let a nervous laugh bubble up from my gut. “Partners. And you wouldn’t violate that.”

“You know me. There are rules, and I follow them, even when I don’t want to.”

“True, very true.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, blowing out my cheeks. “Do I need to do anything? Should I wear all black?”

“Just be ready. I promise, I’ll keep you out of harm’s way.”

“I trust you.”

He lingered for another moment then turned and stalked to the door. I watched him go with a strange feeling in my chest, caught halfway between terror and longing, and unsure of which way I wanted to lean.

It didn’t matter. I’d do what he asked and I knew it. After all this, Owain had somehow proven himself to me, and I knew that he would do anything to keep me safe. If he said bringing me along tonight was the only way to ensure nothing bad would happen to me, then I’d go, no questions asked.

It was strange, feeling this way for a man I knew was dangerous—and yet it also felt natural, like falling asleep in a warm afternoon. It was easy to get close to him, and the more I resisted it, the more I realized I couldn’t stop it.

And didn’t want to, not really, not if I was honest with myself.21OwainLeigh sat in the back seat of my car pinned between Ivan and Igor. Rolan stared out the window at a dark building, the big neon sign turned off. Cars rolled past down a major street and their headlight reflected off another pair of cars parked further up—the other guys, waiting for our signal.

“Are you sure this is it?” Leigh asked.

“I’m sure.” I squinted into the night, trying to imagine what the inside looked like. It’d been a long time since I was last here.

“A bowling alley though? Why would a motorcycle gang use a bowling alley as a clubhouse?”

“Bowling’s fun,” Rolan said. “Plus, the parking lot has a lot of space for their bikes.”

Leigh shook her head and laughed a little.

Nobody else smiled.

They knew this was for real. Bowling alley or not, this was the Jackal’s main clubhouse, the place they spent most of their time, the main front for a lot of their dealings. It was their home, more or less, and they’d do anything to protect it.