I needed the guys ready. I needed them prepared to lay down their lives for me. My most loyal men—Rolan and Viktor—they were already down and already killing for me. But the others had to be convinced, at least a little bit. That was how it went when it became a life or death situation. I couldn’t expect them to rush headlong into gunfire without some reason to do it, and I needed this meeting to give them that reason.

It was simple. I had to play up to their masculinity. Martin worried me, since the man was shrewd and smart, but he knew what I was doing and he’d fall in line.

I’d handle him myself if he didn’t.

I held up my hands for silence after another minute of laughter and drinking. Ivan and Igor shushed the room like librarians then gestured for me to take the floor again. I nodded my thanks then held my hands out toward Leigh, fingers pointed toward her.

“You all might’ve noticed we have a special guest today.”

“We couldn’t help but notice,” Camillo said. “Since you brought a little something for the table.”

Some laughter, but most of the guys looked wary. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then opened them again.

“Come here, Cam.”

He hesitated, still smiling at his own joke, then stood up. “What’s the matter?”

“Come here.”

He walked around the table, sauntering toward me with a grin. I waited until he was within range then slapped him across the face with an open palm.

He stared at me, shocked. His cheek turned read and he let loose an animal growl, fist cocked back and ready to smash in my face—but Rolan stood up and grabbed his arm.

“You fucking prick,” Camillo said. “What the fuck is with you and this bitch? What do you—”

I slammed my fist into his face and felt the little bones in his nose crunch and snap. He grunted in paint as blood squirted from both his nostrils, staining his lips, chin, and shirt red.

“I warned you,” I said. “I tried to slap some sense into you. But now you went too far, mother fucker.”

Rolan released him and Camillo dropped to his knees, gripping his face, and bleeding on the expensive green and gold rug. I’d have to pay to have that cleaned ore replaced, but it was worth it.

I stared at the rest of the men. “Leigh’s one of us now. I know you don’t like it and I know you all think a woman can’t be part of the crew. But she’s a partner in the pill game, and if you all don’t fucking like it, you can get up and walk the fuck out of here. You can follow Camillo and fuck off.”

Silence. Everyone stared.

Leigh took a breath, let it out, then smiled at the guys.

“Nice to meet everyone.”

The sound of her soft, girlish voice, mixed with the pained grunts of Camillo, and combined with the heavy, tense vibe around the table made every single one of my guys burst out laughing.

She grinned at them and winked at me.

I shook my head, smiling. Only Camillo didn’t laugh, since he was too busy trying to stem the floor of blood from his face. He returned to his seat and shoved a napkin up his nostrils, grunting in pain as Danny jammed his elbow into his shoulder.

“Leigh’s taking on a lot of risk to help us move our product. She deserves a seat at the table as much as any of you do. I understand she won’t be out there killing on the front lines—but she’s already bled for me, more than some of you have. I need you all to get over your macho shit and accept her right now, because I don’t have time for you to be a bunch of weak, emasculated little man babies.”

“Hear you loud and clear boss,” Ivan said. “She’s cool in my book.”

“Girls, boys, I don’t give a shit, so long as we all make money,” Ignore added.

“I’m glad I have your approval.” Leigh pasted a smile on her lips and leaned forward. “I look forward to doing business with you gentlemen.”

Danny cackled. “Gentlemen? The girl don’t know us at all, boss.”

“I’m a gentleman,” Viktor said.

The room stared at him. He shrugged and smoked his cigarette.

“That’s all I got for now. I need you all to get on board. More orders are coming down the pipe, and some of those order might be dangerous. Prepare for war, boys and girls. Now drink, eat, and don’t be a dick.”

I sat down, kicked my feet out, picked up a glass of whisky, and drank it.

Leigh stood before the guys could start talking. She raised her glass.

“To the crew,” she said, “and to making a lot of money.”

She got a good cheer from that. The boys drank back their whisky, and she slammed hers down her throat.