I laughed and shrugged. “I mean, I can’t argue with you there. Only reason I’ve ever had to have a gun has been to kill some mother fucker.”

“I think I kind of get it now a little bit though, you know?”

“Shooting’s fun. Makes you feel powerful. Nothing like squeezing off a few shots at a target and knowing that no matter what, you could kill any bastard that came at you.”

“Exactly.” She sucked in a breath and slowly let it out. “God, that felt good.”

“I’m glad you liked it, because I got a little present for you.” I reached back into my waistband and took out the second gun I had tucked in there.

It was a smaller Glock, model G19 G4 FS. It was more compact and lighter, but took the same bullets that mine used, which made it a little convenient. She stared at the weapon in my hand and slowly reached out to take it.

“You got me a gun?”

“I got you a gun.”

“That seems a little…” She trailed off, shaking her head. “I feel like a real mobster now.”

“That’s yours.”

She chewed her lip then met my eye. “You’re really trusting me here, aren’t you?”

I let out a low laugh and stepped close. She backed up against the plexiglass wall that separated our stall from the one next to ours. She met my gaze and held the gun in her hand—but kept the barrel pointed at the ground, just like I showed her.

“I’m trusting you, little diamond. You could’ve turned around and shot me at any point just now, but you didn’t.”

“I didn’t think about that.”

“I’m a gangster. I live with the possibility that I might die all the time, and I’m okay with that. I want you to start being okay with it too.”

“I’m not like you. I’m not a part of your world.”

“But you are, little diamond.” I reached up and touched her face. Her lips parted as I stood there, mere inches separating our bodies. I took the gun from her hand and gently placed it down on the shelf as I put my hands on her hips.

“I am, aren’t I?” Her voice was soft, almost surprised. I could tell it wasn’t a realization she necessarily wanted to make, and in a lot of ways it probably hurt her to admit it.

Her brother died because of me. Well, not because of me, but I supplied the drugs that did him in. He would’ve gotten himself killed one way or the other. But I was the bastard that took her in and kept her as my own, all because I manipulated her brother into taking my loans.

I pulled her into my world, kicking and screaming. But she was in it now, shooting a gun and loving it.

It was time she accepted that fact.

“You could’ve walked away any number of times, but you didn’t.”

“You’d kill my mother.”

I smirked and tilted my head. “You really believe that shit, do you?”

She took a deep, sharp breath, and let it out slow.

“No, I don’t. I know that’s not your style.”

“Killing old, defenseless women isn’t something I pride myself on.”

She shut her eyes and took a few more deep breaths. I could only guess at how difficult it was for her to make this transition in her mind. All this time she cold use me as the excuse to kept her around, but now she was going to have to accept that she stayed for another reason.

Maybe it was the money, or maybe it was something else.

I leaned down and kissed her. She didn’t react, not at first, but then she pressed herself hard against me and returned my kiss with a shocking hunger. She groaned as I pushed her harder against the Plexiglas wall and bit her lower lip, my other hand coming up to grip her hair. I kissed her neck and let my mouth linger near her ear.

“You’ve been thinking about this for weeks now, haven’t you?” My other hand moved down and unbuttoned her jeans. She gasped as I kissed her neck again, getting her jeans open, and slipped my hand down the front.

She was warm and wet. I could feel it through her thin cotton panties. I moved my hand along her pussy and let her soak through her underwear. I kissed her again, bit her lip, felt my heart race as I whispered in her ear again.

“You’re dripping wet. Was it the gun that turned you on? Or was it me, pushing you up against this wall?”

“Both,” she moaned.

“I thought you. You like the power, don’t you? You like having a gun in your hand and a man at your back.” I slipped my fingers down her panties and teased her clit in slow circles. Her body reacted, every inch of her stiffening in response like she could barely control herself. I growled with delight as I teased her faster, sliding down to push my fingers inside, gathering her wet back up around her clit.