I put my hand on his leg. “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready.” He took his gun from the glove compartment. “No cane this time.”

“You could bring it, just in case.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then how about I come instead?”

He raise an eyebrow. “You want to come inside?”

“I want to see my uncle.” I met his gaze and took a deep breath. “I know what it means.”

“You’re going to watch him die.”

“I know.”

“You sure about that?”

“I’m sure.”

He shrugged. “All right. Won’t be dangerous. The old fuck’s wily and smart, but we’ll have him pinned down tight.”

“Really? You’re letting me come, just like that?”

“Sure am. I figure we don’t need to argue about this sine you’ll win anyway and I’ll cave.”

“That’s my man.” I grinned and kissed him.

We waited another few minutes before there was a honk from down the block. He nodded and patted my knee before getting out of the car. I followed him and kept close as he walked across the street toward Maksim’s place.

A figure came toward us, stocky and heavy. I recognized Oleg from a distance. His wily hair and big brown coat made him look like a bear.

“Reid and Des are around back,” Oleg said. “So if he tries to run, we got him.”

Leo nodded and pulled back the slide on his Glock. “You ready?” he asked, looking at me.

I shrugged. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Oleg eyed me. “You like danger, girl? You think this will be good time?”

“I think you’re going in there to murder my uncle. And I want to make sure he knows that I played a big part in him coming down.”

Oleg smiled at me. “I like you. Leo made good choice, saving your life. Stupid Pavel.”

“Rest his soul. Now come on.” Leo walked up the steps. “Should I do the pizza thing again?”

“No, let me.” Oleg moved past Leo, held his gun against the top lock, and fired two rounds. He kicked forward and used his considerable bulk and weight to break the door inward. It popped off its hinges and smashed against the inner wall.

I stood at the bottom of the stoop, staring up. Leo grinned at me and followed Oleg inside. I stayed behind them as they moved in fast, Oleg heading toward the back and the kitchen, while Leo lingered at the bottom of the stairs.

The living room had a thick carpet, a leather couch, and a nice flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. There were several bookshelves with leatherbound books and bottles of whiskey tucked into the corners.

I heard noise. It took me a second to realize it was muffled screaming.

“The girls,” I said.

“Come on.” Leo started up the steps.

“Wait,” Oleg called out. “Must clear bottom first.”

“You clear it. I’m going after the girls.” Leo moved faster. I could see the pain in his eyes, but he didn’t slow down.

We reached the top floor. The screams were louder, though still muffled. Most of the doors stood open, and they were all empty. The bathroom at the end of the hall had no shower curtain and the tile had a strange brownish-red film covering it.

Leo made a face, sniffed the air. “Blood. You smell that?”

I nodded as revulsion came over me. It was an animal odor, something I associated with death and pain. Leo looked around then walked to the only closed door in sight.

Light flickered at the bottom. Someone moved around inside. The screams were louder, but still muffled, almost as if whoever was screaming had a gag in her mouth.

Leo looked at me and held up a hand. I understood he meant to wait, so I pressed myself against the wall and took deep breaths. I didn’t know what we’d find in there, but I knew it would be wrong, very wrong. I knew it would be the reason Ursula turned on Maksim and the reason all the other girls wanted to get away.

I forced away my disgust as Leo grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open.

I looked inside as Leo took a step through with his gun held level.

Two girls stood at the back of the room. They were naked and smoking cigarettes. Their faces had the blank shocked look of a person in pure crisis but trying to push it away. They met my eyes but didn’t move or react.

A single bed sat in the center of the room. Maksim prowled around it. The third girl lay sprawled on a bare mattress stained brain in spots. Her wrists and ankles were bound together with duct tape. A black gag was shoved into her mouth. Maksim smashed something down on her body, something that looked like a sock filled with change. He grinned with glee as it made a dull thud and the girl screamed and cried in pain.

“That’s right, little bitch,” he growled. “That’s what you enjoy, isn’t it? You fucking whore. You little—”